How do I access my profile?
You are on the website. To login to your profile you can do this through 2 sites:
How do I manage my mail subscriptions?
You are on the website. Go to:
Mes informations > Gestion des informations utilisateurs > Paramètres courriel et abonnements
Once you are on this page, you can check or uncheck the information and communications that you would like to receive from TBS Alumni.
BE CAREFUL: For the option “Je souhaite que l’association me contacte à mon mail“, (“I would like the association to contact me by email”), if you choose “plus de mail”, (“no more mail”), you will stop receiving any information from us.
Don’t forget to save your changes (« Enregister ») !
How do I manage my privacy options?
You can decide what information the alumni network sees about you in the TBS Alumni Directory. For this, login to the site and go to:
Mes informations > Gestion des informations utilisateur > Confidentialité
You can therefore choose to share your professional information with everyone, but not your personal address which you might prefer to keep for your friends, for example.
How do I subscribe to / unsubscribe from a group?
You are on the website. Here you can manage your membership of groups, sectors, themes, chapters and student associations.
PLEASE NOTE: Not belonging to a group does not mean you will not be able to access information about it.
Go to:
Mes informations > Réseau > Vos groupes
You then simply need to check or uncheck which groups interest you.
How can up upload my social network information to TBS alumni?
You are on the website. In order to complete/update your profile quickly you have the ability to upload your information from your social networks.
To do this, go to:
Mes informations > Importez vos informations
Thereafter, you can choose to import the data you select. For example, below is import via LinkedIn
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