We will create educational frameworks, materials, processes, and environments that enable effective learning experiences for responsibles leadership.
To fulfill TBS Education’s engagement to train responsible managers, the students are exposed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) topics in different ways:
Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility in TBS Education programs
TBS Education has decided to include the challenges of sustainable development and societal responsibility in all its training programs.
Depending on the programme, students and trainees address these issues through various training approaches:
This is a logical and consistent choice, considering TBS Education has signed the “Climate Emergency” (Urgence pour le climat) petition asking the French government to “initiate a transition strategy for higher education that makes climate the primary concern”.
The Climate Action Certificate of Excellence
The Climate Action Program is specifically devoted to climate issues. The course is available for students following the Master in Management program in order to train future managers who are able to:
The CSR Certificate of Excellence
The “CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Certificate of Excellence” aims to train future managers who are able to:
The Climate Fresco
Understanding the issue in order to act!The Climate Fresco workshop is systematically proposed to new students on initial training programmes. It enables them to understand the origins of the ecological crisis, the mechanisms and consequences. Based on a fun, creative approach, students are invited to suggest individual and collective solutions at the end of the workshop.
The yearly ANEDD: students in action
The National Students’ Conference on Sustainable Development (ANEDD) was launched in 2007 at TBS Education at the initiative of the Bureau du Développement Durable (B3D [Office of Sustainable Development]) student association.The aim of this annual event is to build meaningful bridges between the professional world and future graduates. The event’s programme includes conferences by specialists in sustainable development, an ecology forum, workshops to learn how to reduce your waste, and a stand-up routine on gender inequality.
The SULITEST Quiz: sharing knowledge to promote involvement
The SULITEST is an international initiative aimed at measuring and improving knowledge, skills and attitudes concerning sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. Since 2017, all TBS Education students are asked to take different modules such as SDGs, Circular Economy, etc.In order to specifically share TBS Education’s approach to social responsibility, the School created a 21-question module about the actions implemented in terms of campus management, teaching, research, social policy and governance.
Aim2Flourish: Learning by doing
As part of the Aim2Flourish project, launched by the United Nations in order to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, around thirty first-year students on the Master in Management program are asked to identify and compare Sustainable Development innovations in companies.
The SESAME project: Learning by doing
In the final year of the Master in Management program, groups of 40 students take part in the SESAME (Seminar on Strategic Studies Applied to Business Management) project and advise companies or local authorities which have implemented a social responsibility initiative.
The SEMIS Seminar: Learning by doing
SEMIS is an Introductory Seminar on Entrepreneurship that is attended by all third-year degree students. Based on a Design Thinking approach, students must find solutions for a given problem. Incorporating the values of TBS Education, notably social responsibility, the challenges set require the students to take an active role in transforming their ecosystem. Some of the challenges set for students in previous years include: how to eat better; how to combat discrimination; how to build a sustainable campus.In 2020, our students were asked to work on “Establishing gender equality in student life by fighting sexism and gender stereotypes”.
SD & CSR in the Master in Management program
Year 1
Year 2
Year 2 focuses on the ARTEMIS business game, which is used in the Strategy class and integrates a CSR dimension.
Year 3
Year 3 of the Master in Management program includes the Option: “Sustainability Strategies for Business”. This option is run by Professor Luc Rouge, and is taught in English and French. The program specializes in business strategies to counter global warming and trains managers to understand and anticipate the environmental constraints and issues which companies face, both now and in the future.
SD & CSR Overview
SD & CSR Governance
Student Associations & CSR
Research & CSR
Sustainable Campus Management
Social Inclusion Policy
Student Engagement
Local CSR Impact & Networks