Through research with a societal impact, TBS Education trains diverse, open and enlightened learners, who will contribute to the development of a responsible and sustainable economy within their organizations.TBS Education’s foundational purpose.
Through research with a societal impact, TBS Education trains diverse, open and enlightened learners, who will contribute to the development of a responsible and sustainable economy within their organizations.
The Societal transition team
The Societal Transition team was born out of a desire to integrate issues of sustainability and durability into each of the school’s actions and policies. The Societal Transition team thus works across all departments, programs, campuses and services through collaborative projects in order to reduce the environmental footprint and to continuously improve our best practices.
Dr. Florent DEISTING
Director of Societal Transition
Quentin PEYRE
Climate Transition Officer
Florence LACOSTE
Head of Diversity & Student Engagement
Managing societal transition
TBS Education’s approach to Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility is defined, implemented and followed up on by 3 committees that encompass all TBS Education collaborators and students:
For an organisation, becoming a mission-led company involves defining how it plans to contribute to socio-environmental issues for the purpose of promoting a positive society and economy.
The approach
This is a four-step process:
The change of TBS Education’s status to a mission-led company was achieved in cooperation with all school stakeholders: students, alumni, professors, company employees, the board of directors, regional stakeholders, which represents more than 1,000 people.
Statutory objective #1: Education
TBS Education wishes to educate our entire learning community on socio-environmental issues. TBS Education is carrying out a wide range of actions in this area, such as the Climate Action Program, the CSR Certificate of Excellence, Fresque du Climat workshops, the Sulitest, the Equal ID program, and the ANEDD sustainable student fair. The school also aims to develop the learning community’s capacity to act with the aim of addressing socio-environmental challenges in complex ecosystems through various initiatives, such as recognising student involvement, the “Cordée de la Réussite” scheme and community action.
Statutory objective #2: Research
TBS Education aims to promote research with a societal impact by making it accessible to as many people as possible through the new Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development and Societal Responsibility. Our school explores a wide range of research topics, led by our experts. These include diversity, gendered marketing, circular economy and the environment.
Statutory objective #3: Diversity
TBS Education seeks to promote diversity by supporting a greater diversity of open and well-informed stakeholders and providing them with enhanced employability. This involves developing scholarship initiatives including flexible registration fees, promotion of interculturalism, and mainstreaming disability.
Statutory objective #4: a responsible and sustainable economy
TBS Education aims to promote a responsible and sustainable economy by strengthening its ecosystem through partnerships driven by strong social and/or environmental commitments and entrepreneurship with an impact through our TBSeeds incubator. The reduction of our environmental footprint is based on structural measures such as responsible purchasing, a mobility plan, and raising awareness among our stakeholders.
What pratical changes will this lead to at TBS Education ?
The first major change for our school will be increased cooperation among all stakeholders: students, alumni, professors, company employees, the board of directors, and regional stakeholders.
The second major change will be the introduction of a new socio-environmental indicators that will complement the traditional management school indicators.
Achieving this status of a mission-led company allows the school to contribute as an organisation to a responsible and sustainable economy.
TBS Education is actively committed to promoting a general policy based on ethical practices. As a member of the Global Compact (2007) and the PRME (2008, Principles for Responsible Management Education), TBS Education encourages students and staff to engage in a continuous improvement process aimed at incorporating environmental, social and societal issues in all decision-making. This gives each individual the opportunity to increase their positive impact on society, within their sphere of influence.
Global Compact – Since 2007
Since 2007, TBS Education has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact. The Compact aims to encourage companies to act sustainably and responsibly by adhering to 10 principles, concerning human rights, working conditions, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.
Diversity Charters – Since 2008
TBS Education believes that people must be the central focus of organisations and contributes to promoting this principle through its involvement in various working groups on diversity. Underlining its commitment in this area, TBS Education has signed charters on Gender Equality (2008), Disability (2008), and Inclusion & Diversity (2020).
Principles for Responsible Management Education – Since 2008
Since 2008, TBS Education has been a member of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), an international scheme sponsored by the United Nations Global Compact which rewards responsible education, research and leadership initiatives.
It is based on 6 principles and engages business and management schools to ensure they provide future leaders with the skills needed to manage the complex challenges that companies and society will face during the 21st Century, while drawing attention to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Quality Label for Sustainable Development and Societal Responsibility – Since 2017
TBS Education obtained the SD &SR Label in 2017 for a period of 4 years.The SD & SR label acknowledges the sustainable development and social responsibility approaches of higher education and research organisations, in relation to the benefits and costs.
Business School Impact System ( BSIS) – Since 2018
TBS Education’s impact on its region was highlighted during the visit of experts from FNEGE (French Foundation for Management Education) for the renewal of the Business School Impact System(BSIS) certification in 2018: “It is clear that TBS Education has a significant societal impact on its region, both in terms of education and research. The CSR policy has been excellently integrated into the School’s strategy and this should be underlined more in the School’s mission and structure and communicated more effectively externally.”
SD& CSR Overview
Teaching & CSR
Student Associations & CSR
Research & CSR
Sustainable Campus Management
Social Inclusion Policy
Student Engagement
Local CSR Impact & Networks