To ensure the sustainable management of our campuses, TBS Education focuses on reducing our impact on the environment and on contributing to a sustainable society.
Carbon-footprint assessment
An initial carbon assessment was carried out by the independent firm Climat Mundi in 2016, based on 2015 data. All three scopes (categories of GHG emissions) were audited and an action plan put in place, resulting in the implementation of a green electricity contract with our energy supplier and the 2foisBon menu (TwoTimesGood Menu), for example. We are currently updating this carbon assessment based on 2018 data, with the help of three student volunteers, enabling us to pursue the continuous improvement of our system, while developing the students’ skills in a practical situation. To ensure we are as exhaustive as possible in our 2021 assessment, the CSR manager in each student association has been charged with carrying out a carbon assessment of all the events organised by his/her association, since 2019
Corporate Mobility Plan
In 2018, TBS Education drew up its Corporate Mobility Plan with the help of the Public Transport Authority (SMTC) and Tisséo. An action plan was then put in place to promote alternative, active and public modes of transport:• 25 new spaces have been created to park bikes• a mileage-based travel allowance has been set up for bikes• a carpooling platform is available for employees• 50% of the price of a public transport subscription is reimbursed
Sustainable purchasing
TBS Education includes SD-CSR criteria in the School’s calls for tenders, when relevant. The School also encourages its staff and students to prioritize the purchase of eco-friendly materials/products on a day-today basis, or when organizing events.
Green rooftop terraces
Since 2017, two green rooftop terraces have been planted at TBS Education, based on an overall eco-design plan: use of local partners, choice of plants with low watering needs, furniture made by Recyclo’Bat from reused wood. All students and employees have access to these two areas.
Beehives on the Entiore Campus in Toulouse
Since 2016, the Entiore campus has been home to four beehives. To guarantee the bees remain healthy, TBS Education has chosen a bee-keepers union to manage the hives. TBS Education has designated “beehive officers” and provided them with training to develop their bee-keeping skills. They also take part in the life of the hives; they open them with the bee-keeper, familiarise themselves with the different moments in the life of the swarm and learn about bees and their ecosystem.
Reducing and sorting waste
The best waste is no waste!
TBS Education aims to reduce its ecological impact by reducing waste at the source thanks to initiatives such as:
A low-carbon menu: the doubly good menu (2foisbon)
This nationwide programme involves creating a low-carbon menu that is good and healthy for consumers but also environmentally friendly. The 2fois bon menu is available every Tuesday in the TBS Education cafeterias.
Selective waste sorting
TBS Education has implemented selective waste sorting by installing 350 voluntary drop-off points on its Toulouse campuses. The project was designed from an overall perspective, meaning the containers were produced using wood from sustainably managed forests – manufactured by Symbiosphere, a cooperative and participatory company (SCOP) located a few kilometres from TBS Education – and the waste collection and recycling are managed by Greenburo, a SCOP which promotes professional integration through the employment of people in difficulty.
Today, paper/cardboard, cans/bottles and plastic cups are sorted and recycled. The quantities of waste recycled at TBS Education increased significantly between 2017 and 2018: 4 times more cardboard, 5 times more cups, 21 times more bottles, 18 times more paper.
Zero Waste Workshop
Zero waste workshops are open to students and employees at TBS Education:
AYAV Alternative transportation workshop
A day dedicated to promoting alternative transport modes: Allons-y à vélo (AYAV) or Let’s go by bike! The programme includes:
No Impact Week
The No Impact Week takes place at TBS Education in May. Based on a concept invented by Thomas Parouty (TBS Education alumnus 1995), it aims to remove obstacles and create incentives that will encourage everyone to adopt eco-friendly habits at work; these are good for the individual involved as well as for the environment.
The principle involves organising a week of positive actions in local companies, where TBS Education staff set up workshops and/or challenges addressing a subject related to office life. Each subject provides an opportunity to explain and promote some of the actions already in place at TBS Education and around the region to the companies’ employees, in addition to sharing easy-to-implement tips.
Ecosia on Campus
The Ecosia on Campus Initiative was designed by TBS Education’s B3D student association for Sustainable Development! The Ecosia search engine is installed by default on our campus computers.
The goal is to plant as many trees as possible thanks to the searches made using Ecosia at TBS Education. Since October 2019, over 20,000 searches have been made on our campuses using Ecosia. This has resulted in more than 300 trees being planted in critical biodiversity areas and in areas where people need them.
SD & CSR Overview
Teaching & CSR
Student Associations & CSR
Research & CSR
SD & CSR Governance
Social Inclusion Policy
Student Engagement
Local CSR Impact & Networks