TBS Education has a worldwide network of more than 230 partner universities offering students the possibility to construct a truly international study path. This powerful network allows TBS Education students to study abroad for a semester, a year or even take advantage of a double degree opportunity.
Why Study Abroad
The importance of international skills is at the heart of the academic curriculum. Both bachelor and master level students are encouraged to study abroad, and a dedicated team is here to help them with the administrative procedure including the obtention of the ERASMUS Study Scholarship.
Places at each of the exchange universities are limited and are awarded according to a ranking system based on the academic results of our students. In addition, each student must meet the requirements of the host university.
International exchange semesters abroad and / or the successful completion of a double degree program will strengthen your academic profile and increase your chances on the job market.
Getting Started
Get excited about the international opportunities by consulting our international partners page. Current TBS Education students can also use their TBS Education credentials to consult campus and find detailed academic information for each university partner as well as more information about the application process and deadlines.
The TBS Education International Mobility office runs regular information sessions throughout the year. Join the “Flash Expat” sessions and learn more about the study abroad process and meet your mobility coordinator. To book a meeting with a International Mobility coordinator, please send an email to one of the following addresses:
Master-Level Opportunities
The Master in Management program offers a flexible framework to allow students to choose the nature and timing of their international experience. Simple semester exchange programs take place during the Spring and international double degree programs during the last year of your Master in Management program.
Students wishing to stay at TBS Education during their entire academic career can still benefit from the Double Degree promise by choosing one of our exciting Master of Science (MSc) programs running on the Toulouse, Paris, Casablanca and Barcelona campuses.
Due to the short nature and intense academic curriculum of the MSc programs, students enrolled to the one-year MSc program are not eligible to study abroad
Bachelor-Level Opportunities
The Bachelor in Management program requires that all students complete a semester abroad in one of our prestigious partner universities or at one of our TBS Education campuses. International students are exempt from studying abroad and can stay exclusively on the TBS Education campus if they wish to do so.
At the end of the third year of the Bachelor program, students can apply for an international double degree at the undergraduate level. This option would allow students to receive the diploma both from the host university and TBS Education .
Students who wish to apply for this option must comply with all the academic requirements of the partner universities and secure a place in accordance with the grade rankings, in addition to ensuring a high level of performance in the first year.