The TBS Education hub for innovation

Our drive for excellence is best illustrated by our Centers of Excellence, which combine our academic departments, research labs and partners in a transverse and strategic manner to form a living lab and ecosystem. Our Centers of Excellence focus on open innovation by testing, validating and honing innovative concepts to design tomorrow’s world.

A constant source of inspiration for our programs

The results of our research feed our couses and programs in order to inspire our students to adopt innovative approaches based on solid research, in order to allow them to suggest new approaches to the companies they work for.

Aeronautics & Space

tbs aeronautics and space logo

TBS Education is firmly rooted in the Toulouse Aerospace industry and provides a Center of Excellence that covers all management topics that are specific to this highly evolving sector.

Directed by Cordula BARZANTNY professor-researcher at TBS Education.

TBS Education has a long history in educating managers for the aeronautics and aerospace sector, with programs that have been specifically designed to answer the needs of today’s companies:

  • Aerospace MBA
    • le seul MBA dédié au management aérospatial accrédité par l’association AMBA depuis 2002.
  • MSc Aerospace Management
    • récompensé par le label de qualité CGE de la Conférence des Grandes Écoles
  • Bachelor Aviation Management (with the participation of the ENAC)
  • Short and/or tailored Executive Education Programs, such as the Space Business & Applications Specialized Track.

The Center of Excellence in Aeronautics & Space also pilots high-profile projects with renowned partners from the industry:

  • The Sirius Chair
    • The SIRIUS Chair is the first international research chair that is fully dedicated to space law and management issues. It is based on an original public-private partnership between TBS, Toulouse 1 Capitole University, the CNES, Airbus Defence & Space and Thales Alenia Space.
  • UNIVERSEH – The European UNIVERsity of Space, Earth and Humanity
    • Under the aegis of the Federal University of Toulouse, TBS Education participates in the creation of the European Space University of Earth & Humanity, a project launched by the European Commission under the name UNIVERSEH. The project aims to create a university of reference for the space sector in the European Union. The project combines the expertise of recognized players in aerospace education to align key teaching and research skills with the needs of the job market and stimulate the industry, employment as well as increase sustainability in the space sector.

Artificial Intelligence & Business Analytics

tbs artificial intelligence logo

The Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence & Business Analytics aims to become the best research center in France on all topics linked to artificial intelligence and data analysis.

Directed by Dieudonné TCHUENTE, professor-researcher at TBS Education.

  • Business analytics
  • Internet of Things
  • Social network analytics
  • Virtual communities
  • Companies 3.0, Industries 4.0 & Virtual manufacturers 4.0
  • Data science
  • Digital Society
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Decision modeling
  • Neuroscience
  • SMART and data-driven decisions
  • Data-driven companies
  • Information Technology dissemination and adoption
  • Corporate value of information technology

Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development

tbs csr logo

As an employer, a committed knowledge hub and a high-profile local player, TBS Education is a pioneer when it comes to Sustainable Development (SD) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and actively contributes to the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations.

Directed by Marie BOITIER, professor-researcher at TBS Education.

Headed by the TBS Education Dean of Research, our CSR Center of Excellence influences our institution via adapted courses, innovative research projects as well as practical actions to stimulate on-campus sustainability and diversity, which even reach our student associations.

This trans-disciplinary approach is designed to train high-potential managers, who see the world in all its complexity, have strong ethical and human values, are conscious of global challenges and have a solid capacity for action and innovation.

  • Climate Action Program
  • CSR Certificate
  • TBS Foundation
  • Equal ID
  • B3D
  • BDH Best Student Association in France in 2020