The fourth edition of TBS Education’s Innovation Day brought together about 100 participants around the theme ‘In search of pedagogical well-being’ on June 16, 2022.
The event was structured around a conference, pedagogical stories, workshops and an innovation award ceremony. Great moments organized to inspire innovative practices, to value and share projects and to unite the TBS Education community around pedagogy and innovation.
Inspiring conference “A la recherche du bien-être pédagogique” by Denis Cristol
Denis Cristol is Director of Innovation and Development at the Association pour le progrès du management (APM) and author of numerous books and articles on pedagogy and collective intelligence.
The conference aims to put words to practices that promote pedagogical well-being. First of all, the new challenges of business schools will be recalled. The choice to aim for collective flow and motivation through motivating projects will be explained. The means of doing so through co-construction between project teams and resource teams, and co-emergence with one’s own environment starting from the learner will be detailed. A time will be dedicated to the best of pedagogical ergonomics, that which favors intrinsic motivations. In order to support motivations, a whole transformation of the pedagogue’s posture must be considered. The latter plays a role when he facilitates the conditions of freedom to act, when he makes people capable within an intelligent group. To achieve this ambition, the 12 key practices of cofacilitation in collective intelligence will be presented as well as a key tool, the “dialogue of high relational quality” which allows generative learning.
Teaching stories and workshops
By Nathalie Bonhomme, Bibliothécaire TBS Education librarian
In a context of hyperconnectivity, where we are more and more inundated with images and information every day, are we really aware of the issues related to what is called the attention economy? This workshop will provide some food for thought on this topic: a definition of the attention economy, digital techniques for capturing attention, but also strategies for becoming aware of it and protecting ourselves from it.
By Lisa Marchetti, Instructional designer Service interuniversitaire de pédagogie Université fédérale Toulouse Midi Pyrénées
During this workshop, participants experiment in pairs with empathic walking in the Compans garden near TBS Education. A walk to develop reflective thinking about one’s pedagogical and professional practice: stop, listen to oneself and to others, analyze one’s level of listening and place oneself from the other’s point of view.
By Angeline Bonnet, tour guide AGIT (Association des Guides-Interprètes du Tarn)
The workshop starts with a guided tour of the Japanese garden in Toulouse. This is followed by an exchange on the good practices of a tourist guide to encourage attention, tell stories or even raise questions. Participants leave with practices that can be transferred to the teaching profession.
By Hugues Dargagnon, instructional designer AGO- Formation innovante and Marie-Christine Llorca, CEO AGO- Formation innovante
Games are a powerful motivational tool for humans, mammals and all animals because the pleasure we derive from them is proportional to the constraints they impose on us. The workshop consists of creating a game in a small group in less than 15 minutes and then providing some insights and resources on teaching through games
For more details, see the Innovation awards 2022 section below.
Innovation awards ceremony with Nadia Pellefigue
Discover the summary of the nine candidate projects for the 2022 edition.
CAP – Management (Clinical Approaches to Professionals in Management)
The idea is to combine real-life learning (for the students) with a desire to bring collective (managerial) expertise to the TBS Barcelona environment. Thus CAP-Management “offers” a support service for all managers (entrepreneurs, managers, administrators, etc.) facing a problematic situation. This service is aimed primarily at people who are physically located around the campus (small businesses, service offices, entrepreneurs, etc.).
A team consisting of one professor and three students welcomes the manager, listens actively and then writes a report. This report explains the problem and proposes tools and options to help the manager themselves to get closer to the solution.
We designed the experiment in two phases. The first phase prepares the students (case study, confrontation of ideas, debate, active listening, etc.) and the second phase analyses real cases (listening, questioning and then writing a summary report).
In search of resources
“In Search of Resources” project consisted in setting up a pedagogical innovation in the form of a Serious Game designed to facilitate access to the school’s documentary resources by first-year Bachelor’s students.
This project was led by a multidisciplinary team: marketing professors, library staff, and educational engineers. This approach allowed a transversal integration of the problems linked to documentary research, which can be used by students for all topics.
The Serious game takes place on each campus but students are autonomous and supervised by the library staff.
The student must answer a series of questions in the form of a “treasure hunt”: Throughout his virtual process, the student will have to use different online resources but also exercise his critical eye on the proposed resources. The student’s progress in the game is validated by different “milestones” that allow to measure his or her achievements.
Introduction to research, a new B1 course
The course Introduction to research is a new course that was introduced in the Fall 2021 for all B1 students. The course has been conceived as the first step in the research path that is being gradually introduced in the TBS Bachelor program.
The task at hand was to develop an entirely new course in line with the program’s objective to provide students with a foundational understanding of research in management disciplines.
The course turns around three themes: research questions (and sources of existing knowledge), research methods, and the interpretation and implications of research results. Each theme has a dedicated three-hours lecture. Beforehand, students have to view (and answer MCQ on) short illustrative videos on three research papers by TBS professors. For each paper, I realized, with the support of the pedagogical team, and particularly of Dorothée Thibaut, three videos focusing on questions, methods, and results, and I included a short interview with the authors. These videos, recorded in English, were then subtitled in the three languages of the course, and were used to prompt discussion in class.
International Consulting Seminar 5.0: An Inclusive Education Model
International mobility and expectations have changed, and our activities and programs must respond to new needs and constraints. In addition, societal transitions, sustainability, inclusive strategies and mainstreaming of new innovative technologies are at the core of European Industry 5.0. To meet the new international mobility demands we have developed a blended learning international seminar. This innovative, academic product is aligned with the TBS societal mission, European Industry 5.0 initiative and the United Nations SDGs on education.By creating an academic offering that mixes virtual components with physical mobility, the Department of International Relations & Development (DRI) has innovated its activities as a business unit by insuring a sustainable revenue stream. With this international seminar model, a wider range of students with more diverse profiles benefit from international exposure.The global pandemic pushed industry, educators, and students to upskill and adopt new approaches to learning. The blended learning international consultancy seminar is a product of our ability to digitally transform and exploit new working technics while furthering a relevant multicultural understanding. The virtual element extends global engagement to all student profiles while the condensed physical element provides students with intercultural, social, and professional skills that are essential in pursuing career in the digital, global economy.The blended learning international consultancy seminar has positively impacted the reputation of TBS in the international arena by responding to a real market need. In just two months, new university partners have inquired about our expertise in blended learning. Dialogues and negotiations are taking place with Lebanon, United Kingdom, India, Scotland, and Italy.Internal international mobility needs are also being met. The seminar business model includes a reinvestment plan for TBS students. The revenue acquired through the blended learning international consultancy seminar was immediately reinvested in our outbound student mobility. The financial reinvestment can revive dormant agreements and allow for TBS students to study in high-demand locations notably, the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia.
Kick Learning Camp – learn efficiently
Learning to learn: an essential skill to develop for future managers. Their main tool is their brain and their ability to learn and adapt in a complex and uncertain world. in collaboration with TBS Education and Toulouse INP the Kick Learning Camp: a real online training camp to learn more efficiently!
Fun, practical and based on research, the digital course allows us to better understand how our brain processes information in a learning situation while discovering powerful strategies and tools for in-depth learning.
The Kick Learning Camp is based on an innovative concept: legendary matches in which various and personalized learning strategies compete against each other. An original angle to approach research results in cognitive sciences and to deduce the most efficient learning strategies to learn.
The learner who walks through the doors of the Kick Learning Camp watches the legendary matches in the form of an interactive video and then analyzes the results of the match with a coach. They must then practice these new effective learning techniques through practical and fun exercises in order to become a professional ‘Kick Learner’.
In order to anchor their practices following the online course, the learner must fill out a reflective journal for a month, set challenges to apply in class and then analyze the implementation of their strategies.
Humanities week
Pendant une semaine les étudiants vont devoir suivre des conférences sur des thématiques diverse portant un éclairage différent sur le management. Certaines de ces conférences sont communes à tous les étudiants et d’autres sont choisies parmi une vingtaine proposées.
En plus de ces conférences, les étudiants vont suivre des ateliers leur apprenant à réaliser un podcast et ils vont devoir mettre en pratique cet apprentissage en réalisant un podcast sur une conférence qu’ils auront suivi avec un groupe de 6 étudiants.
Au terme de cette semaine semaine tous les podcast sont évalués par les étudiants et par un jury, et les trois meilleurs sont récompensés. Cette semaine à un triple objectif, réfléchir différemment sur le management, apprendre à travailler en groupe en produisant un contenu de vulgarisation, mieux se connaitre et interagir avec un groupe d’étudiants.
Human resources management and New Technologies
The digital transformation that began in early 2000 affects many professions, and in particular the HR function. This affects data management, as well as important processes such as recruitment and training.
It is therefore essential to teach the implications of these changes for the HR function targeted by these students in CF RH B3. This is achieved through Students experiment with applications using advanced technologies. The goal is to provide students with the relevant skills, to enable the integration and exploitation of today’s innovative technologies in the operational context of the company. The combination of experimentation, analysis and project will equip students with key knowledge for their future careers and help them develop a culture of controlled and lucid innovation.
TBS – The blind Search
Teaching is an art which requires creative act. Just like an artist, a teacher selects tools, methods, and interventions for creating facilitating conditions where students can learn and engage most effectively. A pedagogy can help to design and deliver an effective session, while creativity and understanding of human mind can foster innovative interventions which will help to inspire and motivate students to make education entertaining.
This project implements a unique transformative innovation ‘TBS’ [The Blind Search], which is inspired by the reality singing competition ‘The Voice: la plus belle voix’. The aim is to promote educational wellbeing building on the principles of providing equal opportunities, inclusivity, and fairness in the Thesis tutor selection process for both tutee and tutor.
TBS will also make this selection process efficient by alleviating the time spent to find a tutor, writing, and responding to emails, creating appointments, and determining fit of the tutor-tutee for the thesis topic. This will enable tutees to focus more on their thesis, prepare better work and for tutors to find the right fit between their interests, expertise, and the thesis topic, to better guide students. The results (student feedback) of the implementation in a Research Methods module taught to TBS students in 2021-22, demonstrates the effectiveness of TBS to enhance both tutee and tutor interest, motivation and satisfaction. From a learning pedagogy perspective, TBS create a conducive environment with the aid of digital technology to facilitate peer learning, peer inspiration and dynamic learning environment.
Using Cartoons and Mnemonics: what Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump can teach you about Ethics
For a business Ethics course requiring the memorization of a code and specific standards (for the CFA exam) and practice MCQ questions ,(1) I use a storyline and cartoon characters to illustrate the story (or images/words resembling the concept studied)and (2) I use pre-testing.These techniques give good results to improve the memorization of lists and concepts. It also increases the interest in the topic.The story is built around 7 parts to help memorize the 7 elements of the Standards and illustrated with original cartoon characters (caricatures of Kim Kardashian, her husband and Donald Trump) created for this purpose.The testing/work on exam questions is based on pre-testing: i.e. first the students are asked to answer questions, then we introduce the concepts which are the subject of the questions.
The Executive DBA at TBS Education equips professionals with analytical thinking and scientific method skills, essential for navigating today’s complex business environment. According to Stéphane Thion, Program Manager, this professional doctorate offers a competitive edge and meets varied motivations, from career advancement to gaining unique expertise.
TBS Education's Executive Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) program is a bridge between the world of research and the world of business. By creating this link, TBS Education is preparing the managers of the future.
Over the last few days, the streets of Toulouse have been buzzing with whispers. Some have seen it, others have heard about it.