Every year, TBS Education experiments new teaching and learning methods : hackaton, escape game, design thinking, MOOC, business game, virtual reality…
Facing moral and ethical challenges
Finalist for the 2024 Conférence des Grandes Ecoles educational innovation prize
This original teaching method aims to create empathic and socially responsible leaders by putting the students in the shoes of managers who work in emerging technologies and are facing social and ethical implications and challenges
Mixed reality Design sprint
2024 Reimagine education award finalist
The Design Sprint aims to strengthen the multidisciplinary Loop. Working in partnership with AIRBUS students embark on a journey that pulls from research in management sciences to learning about successful intrapreneurial projects and developing their own mindset and management style.
More information
Inspiring guest
Winner of the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards 2021Winner of the Reimagine Education silver award – category management educationWinner of the FMA Innovation in Teaching Award 2021Winner of the FNEGE “coup de Coeur” award 2020
Finding innovative ways to improve the pedagogical process by using Knowledge, Experience and Skills from outside industries.
In 2019, we welcomed Sammy Obeid, a Californian humorist known for his world record of 1001 days of consecutive performances.
In 2021 and 2022, we welcome David J. Keogh, British actor and screenwriter, and Andra Tévy, French director.
The blind search
Winner of the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards 2022/2023
This innovative project implements a unique transformative innovation ‘TBS’ [The Blind Search], which is inspired by the reality singing competition ‘The Voice: la plus belle voix’.
To go further
TBS Education VR Lab
A Virtual Reality laboratory to confront students with the new challenges and impacts of emerging technologies in the professional world. For instance, HR students explore the recruitment and training applications of AI and VR.
Kick Learning Camp – Learn efficiently
An innovative digital learning course based on cognitive science research to develop the skill of ‘learning to learn’.
The project is the result of a collaboration between the instructional design teams of TBS Education and the INP-Toulouse School of Engineering.
MOOC Thinking complexity
Follow the MOOC “Thinking complexity” created by TBS Education professor Cameron Guthrie on Iversity.org