
The Erasmus + program for higher education contributes to the creation of a European Higher Education project by pursuing several objectives, including:

  • the improvement  of quality, and strengthening, of the European dimension of higher education;
  • the increase in mobility of students, teachers and academic staff;
  • the strengthening of multilateral  cooperation ;
  • the transparency and recognition of acquired qualifications;
  • the internationalization of European higher education institutions.

The program promotes mobility activities in Europe and abroad for students (periods of study or internships), teaching staff, and all staff of higher education institutions.

It also facilitates partnership actions through cooperation projects, knowledge alliances or capacity building projects, as well as joint Master programs.

TBS Education, through its pre-experience training programs, is very much part of this ambitious scheme.

In order to graduate, all students must validate an international experience either by studying abroad in a foreign university or by an interning abroad. This experience is an integral part of your academic curriculum at TBS Education. A strong professional and international experience while at TBS Education will build up your resume and act as a spring board, jump starting your professional career.

It should be noted that there are a limited number of scholarships granted annually by the European Commission. Erasmus grants are allocated in accordance with the amount available. TBSE reserves the right to finance partially students mobilities.

Here you will find information about mobility studies or internships within the framework of the Erasmus + program.

TBS Education advises students to anticipate, think and develop their international project. To do this, members of the International Mobility Service and the Career Center are at your disposal to answer any questions you may have and to assist you in your study abroad or international internship project (remember you must make an appointment).

The Erasmus+ program is open to all students registered at TBS Education (Toulouse Business School) no matter the nationality. There may be special criteria or exceptions for the satellite campuses: Barcelona & Casablanca. If you have any questions related to the ERASMUS+ Grant itself and your eligibility, please contact the International Relations Department at internationa.tbs [@]

ERASMUS+ Study Scholarship

ERASMUS+ Internship Scholarship

Finance conditions

The Erasmus+ program aims to modernize and improve higher education throughout Europe and the rest of the world. There are different types of staff mobility. You can refer to the agency’s website ERASMUS+ France – Education Training:

Mobility for training

The Rules for financing an ERASMUS+ mobility

The Erasmus + program aims to modernize and improve higher education throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

You can refer to the agency’s website ERASMUS+ France – Education Training:

The Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Program gives you the opportunity to undertake a teaching assignment at one of our European partner universities (ECHE holder in one of the participating countries).

Any permanent professor at Toulouse Business School, whatever his nationality, may participate in this Erasmus+ program.

It should be noted that there are a limited number of scholarships granted annually by the European Commission. Please consult the International Mobility Service.

You may be invited to teach in the regular programs of the host institution. The Dean’s Office regularly sends invitations to seminars, events and programs organized by our partner universities. Professors are free to choose in which event they would like to participate and are responsible for organizing their own travel and accommodation arrangements in accordance with the foreign university.

The total duration of the mobility period must be 2 days minimum, consisting of 8 minimum teaching hours.

Before you leave, it is necessary to complete the “mobility teaching kit” transmitted by the International Mobility Service. This document must be signed by three parties: TBS permanent professor, TBS Management and the host institution. Original signatures are mandatory.

At the end of your stay, professors and the host institution must sign the certificate of attendance which will be given to the staff member by the International Mobility Service of TBS.

Upon your return, you will receive an email from the European Commission containing a link to the final report. Professors have 30 days following receipt of this email to complete this report. Completion and submission of this online report is mandatory.

Professors will also have to transmit to the International Mobility Service the original receipts of all expenses related to the mobility: airline ticket (boarding pass), train ticket, meals, accommodation…

It is essential to apply for a European health insurance card from the CPAM. It is free and valid for 1 year. You can apply for it online; it takes a minimum 3 weeks to receive.

If you have any questions about public insurance or the TBS private mutual, please contact the HR department.

Note: the Erasmus+ program is open to the following actors from the participating countries:

  • students from higher education institutions;
  • staff of higher education institutions (teachers and others);
  • private companies

Rules for financing an ERASMUS+ mobility

Distance calculator