Where are TBS Education’s campuses?
TBS Education has 5 campuses: Toulouse, Barcelona, Casablanca, Paris and London.
What is the diversity of your international students?
TBS Education has approximately 1,500 international students across its 5 campuses which accounts for 25% of the student body. Our international student body is made up of approximately 80 nationalities.
What international accreditations does TBS Education hold and why are accreditations important for a student?
TBS Education is proud to hold the triple crown in international accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB, AMBA. These accreditations assure the quality of the academic prorams and the school in general, and will therefore add important weight to the student’s diploma and assure its recognition worldwide.
Is there a TBS Education alumni network?
More than 52,000 graduates are listed on the TBS Education Alumni Directory, from around the world.
The TBS Education Alumni Association’s main aim is to form an active and enthusiastic network willing to help fellow alumni and current students, as well as to defend and develop the School’s interests and those of its graduates. This website will soon be available in English
Who do I contact if I have some general questions about TBS Education?
General queries: international.tbs@tbs-education.fr
Admissions queries: international.admissions@tbs-education.fr
International Student Services (housing, immigration, etc.): international.studentservices@tbs-education.fr
Which programs are taught in English?
The following programs are available in English:
Does TBS Education have international partner universities?
Yes – TBS Education has more than 200 partner universities with which we engage in exchange programs, dual degrees and double degrees, depending on the program taken.
What are the language requirements for a student who is not a native English/French speaker?
For each program there is a minimum TOEFL and/or IELTS score. For international students who would like to study a program taught in French, they must provide a TAGE-MAGE score.
If a candidate has already studied a program in English for at least 2 years prior to their application to join TBS Education, they will be exempt from these language requirements.
Are there any scholarships available for international students?
Some programmes offer merit and/or needs based scholarships (see individual programs for more information).
Campus France provides a good list of national scholarships available for application from international students wishing to study in France.
Find out more ›
Can I move between the 5 TBS Education campuses?
Yes – depending on the program (please consult the pages dedicated to your chosen program).
What is the student-professor ratio at TBS Education?
Approximately 30/1.
How do I apply to join a program at TBS Education?
Each program has a simple and clear online application process and once our international recruitment coordinators have received your application and all necessary supporting documents, you will receive a response within 2 weeks.
Is there a service which helps international students coming to TBS?
TBS has an International Student Services (ISS) team which helps international students with all practical issues such as: housing, visas, banking, healthcare, French administrative procedures and more. ISS is committed to helping incoming exchange and full-time international students make the most of their stay at TBS and offers support whenever needed.
Students will be contacted by TBS’s International Student Services team before their arrival to advise about the preparations need for their arrival.
The first day of the semester, ISS organises Orientation Days especially for incoming international students. These include presentations from the academic teams about the programme and TBS in general, safety and integration information, and practical issues such as: confirming accommodation, opening a French bank account, visa validation, registering for French classes, getting public transport cards, opening electricity accounts and more…
Local student volunteers – the Welcome Team – work closely with ISS and are on hand to help international students during their arrival and integration, organizing many informative and fun events.
Is there any financial aid available for international students’ living costs?
Yes – students from the EU and those student holding long-term, renewable visas (VLS-TS) are currently eligible to ask for housing benefits (CAF) of up to 25% of their monthly rent. This is a logn administrative process, but TBS’s International Student Services team can help students throughout the process.
International students with a short-term visa which cannot be renewed are not currently eligible for this housing benefit.
Do I need a student visa to study in France? How do I start the process?
Yes – unless you are a citizen from the European Union.
There are two kinds of student visas for France:
In order to start the process, students must contact their local French consulate or Campus France. The visa process can take up to 3 months in some countries, so students should start the process as soon as they have been accepted by TBS. TBS’s International Student Services assist all students with visa validation and/or renewal.
How can an international student take care of all the administrative process when they don’t speak French?
They don’t need to – TBS’s International Student Services team is here to assist international students with all administrative processes.
Do international students need to register for French national health insurance?
Yes– Registration to the French healthcare system is mandatory and free for all students.
Students from the European Union or the European Economic Area who can show a European Health Insurance Card are exempt from regressing.
International full-time students arriving in France for the first time must go to the following site AFTER they have paid the CVEC (Vie etudiante’ contribution tax to the Crous). To pay the CVEC please follow the link below. For more information please click here. Exchange students are exempt from this tax and can register with the French Social Security once they have received their enrollment confirmation (Attestation de scolarité)
Step 1: Pay the CVEC, “vie étudiante” 90€ subscription fee to the Crous : https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/
Step 2: Buy Civil Responsability Insurance
Step 3: Obtain your certificate of enrollment from TBS
Step 4: Register for free to the French Social Security : https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr/#/
What help is given to international students to find accommodation?
For TBS’s Toulouse campuses: In order to help international students, we have put together an Accommodation Guide which provides details of agencies that we recommend and STUDAPART, TBS’ housing platform. By using Studapart students can access a list of residences with which we have agreements and have negotiated special conditions for our international students. Click here to access our Accommodation Guide.
For TBS’s Barcelona campus: download the Barcelona Accommodation Guide here
For TBS’s Paris site: download the Paris site Accommodation Guide here
What is the cost of living in Toulouse?
Including rent, food, utilities, transport and other expenses the average cost of living in Toulouse for a student is approximately 1,250 euros per month.
Is there career development support for international students?
TBS’s Career Starter team works with all students – local and international – across all programs, providing individual career development support and ensuring the employability of our students. This service aims to support our students in the devlopment of their academic projects and of their chosen academic path, along with the support of TBS’s diverse selection of business partners.
Career Starter provides assistance with CV writing, speedcoaching, personal development, workshops, business forums and more…
Is it possible to find an internship/job in France if I don’t speak French?
Yes – it is of course easier if you do speak at least a minimum level of French as the choice is will be larger, but each program has a dedicated team to assist and support students’ search for an appropriate internship, either in France or abroad. Assistance is also available through:
Part-time jobs as babysitters or English language teachers are always possible.
TBS Offers a selection of scholarships to students of all nationalities, promoting economic and cultural diversity across our student body:
Each of the above scholarships allows for a discount of up to 10% of tuition fees.
TBS will automatically consider students for scholarships once admitted to the School.
Eiffel Scholarship
The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education establishments to attract top foreign students to enrol in their master’s and PhD courses.
The application process for the Eiffel scholarship is extremely selective. Candidate students must be non-French nationals of less than 30 years old and who can prove excellent academic results. The scholarship can award up to 1000 Euros per month to successful candidates.
Campus France Scholarship Information
International students wishing to study in France can also apply for a choice of national scholarships. For more information contact Campus France.