Professor of Finance at TBS Education from 2004-2015, the Nicolas NALPAS fund was set up on the initiative of Nicolas’ colleagues, students, former graduates, family and friends, after his untimely death on 19th January 2015 following a tragic diving accident.
Created in honour of his memory, the Fund will be used to pursue the projects Nicolas had started with his students, and defend the values that he held dear: helping others, striving for excellence and pushing oneself to go the extra mile.
Nicolas Nalpas was awarded a PhD in Economic Science from the University of Paris – Panthéon-Sorbonne. After working as Assistant Professor of Finance at HEC Montreal, he joined TBS Education as Professor of Finance in 2004. He lectured in the following areas: derivatives, interest-rate instruments, numerical methods – such as Monte Carlo simulations – and corporate finance. He was in charge of teaching the Finance major in the first year of the Master’s degree, the Banking and Financial Markets vocational option in the 2nd year of the Master’s degree, and the Advanced Finance Program: a course in Quantitative Finance.
He was also responsible for the Economics and Finance Department at TBS Education. His research focused on risk theory, portfolio management and the evaluation of financial assets. He contributed to several research papers on the pricing of derivatives, and Hedge Fund replication. In addition, he contributed to the French adaptation of “Corporate Finance” written by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo.
Stephanie Lavigne, Dean of TBS Education & Executive Officer of the TBS Foundation, had these words to say about him, in his tribute to Nicolas NALPAS. All who knew him confirm that he had a unique gift enabling him to inspire students to find their vocation: (read the testimony from Emmanuel ANTON in AGORA – French document)
You can support the Nicolas NALPAS fund by making a donation to the TBS Foundation. The TBS Foundation operates under the aegis of the Fondation de France, which is recognized as a public-interest organization. As such, private or corporate donors in France and abroad are entitled to attractive tax deductions.
From France
You can support the project by making a donation by cheque or via Internet.
From a European country
The TBS Foundation gives European donors the opportunity to benefit from tax exemptions on their donations. The Fondation de France has agreements with 7 partner countries to encourage European donations to French foundations by enabling donors to benefit from tax deductions in their country of residence.
From the United States
The TBS Foundation is a partner of “Friends Of the Fondation de France”, an American tax exemption scheme (501(c)). As such, people residing in the United States who make donations to the TBS Foundation, through the Fondation de France, can deduct the money from their taxes.