Partners of the Annual Solidarity Fund

The TBS Foundation has many loyal partners who make donations each year. This enables the Foundation to allocate grants to students with financial difficulties. These regular donations are particularly important for the TBS Foundation since they provide stable resources that allow it to plan its work with greater confidence and efficiency.

Means-related grants are reserved for students in the Grande Ecole/Master in Management and Bachelor’ Degree programs.

We also receive donations from companies and many private individuals, whether they be anonymous, former graduates, current students, students’ parents, teachers or members of TBS Education’s staff; each donation contributes to the Solidarity Fund and this enables students to pursue their studies at Toulouse Business School.

Since the creation of the TBS Foundation in 2008, some 450 grants have been allocated to students at TBS Education representing a total of €1,000,000.

Applying for a grant from the Foundation: the different steps

In October of each year, students in the Bachelor’s degree and Grande Ecole/Master in Management programs can download the following documents from the TBS Education intranet C@mpus

  • the application file
  • the list of supporting documents
  • the memo concerning grants

In November, students must submit their full application before the deadline in order for their application to be considered.
From November to January, the Executive Committee and the Steering Committee study the application files.
In February, the TBS Foundation informs students of its decisions by e-mail.

For more information, please contact the TBS Foundation team at

TBS Education Class Gift scheme

“Being accepted to TBS Education gives you the opportunity to study at one of the best Business Schools in France and represents a genuine investment for the future. However, not everyone has the requisite financial resources. With this in mind, students from modest backgrounds have various solutions at their disposal to enable them to complete their studies at TBS Education, such as grants from the Foundation. Our school strives to help students in financial difficulty thanks to the grant system managed by the Foundation, but today more and more students are in need of this help. New grants will be allocated as of next year thanks to the Class Gift scheme organized by the TBS Education Sustainable Development Office. The Class Gift scheme looks towards all those who have been lucky enough to study at TBS Education. Whether you are a graduate or current student, your generosity is crucial for ensuring that the increasing number of students from modest backgrounds may continue to have access to the opportunities that you yourself benefited from.”

– The students’ Sustainable Development Office (B3D-Bureau du DĂ©veloppement Durable)

  • What is a Class-Gift?

The principle of the Class Gift is simple; the graduating class makes a group donation to help students who wish to follow in their footsteps, particularly those with financial difficulties.

  • Every contribution counts!

For example, in a class of 450 students, if each person donated €10 (which comes down to €3.40 if tax deductions are taken into account), this would allow two students to obtain a grant and pursue their studies. By making a donation, whether large or small, you contribute directly to this joint solidarity initiative.

  • Two Class Gift schemes at TBS Education:
    • The Grande Ecole Program/Master in Management Class Gift
    • The Bachelor’s Program Class Gift (Florentin Canciani Grant)