The primary ambition of the Human Resources Management & Business Law department is to train responsible managers, to get them prepared for the ethical and social challenges of tomorrow, and involved in the commitment and the well-being of employees within their company.
All our students and learners/trainees are concerned, regardless of their specialization and career choices. Because their management methods will have to evolve very quickly, in response to increasingly complex requirements. Sparking off agility and creativity, ensuring well-being and equity at work, transforming the organization, deciding ethically, promoting inclusion, initiating and developing collaboration… these are the challenges they will have to face, as part of the values and actions supported by a human resources function in full transformation.
To acquire real skills in the management and development of their teams, they will benefit from both theoretical reflection and practical know-how. Critical approach and prospective reflection are systematically developed, in the face of the rise of digitalization and artificial intelligence in this field.
The second axis of the Human Resources & Corporate Social Responsibility department is to train HR specialists called upon to exercise functions of responsibility, with two high-level training courses:
Future experts in the fields of training, recruitment, social development, pay, HR operational managers, or those called upon to evolve in the field of HR consulting, they will be able to follow these two training courses in alternation. In close contact with professionals from partner companies, who pass on their know-how and vision, they benefit from intense and accelerated professionalization and the support of a network of alumni over 15 years old, working in the main companies and in all sectors.
The Department’s teachers also contribute to numerous international seminars allowing students from all over the world to better understand issues related to employment, talent development, social relations, at the European and international levels.
Strongly linked to business issues through their participation in professional associations (ANDRH, CMRH, FACE grand Toulouse), or the creation of chairs (Sustainable Development, Health), they also contribute through their work to the implementation of actions or studies for partner companies. The organization of conferences (5th International Equality Diversity Inclusion Conference, 20th Congress of the Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, EIASM conferences) or participation in international conferences (IHRM, Academy of Management, EURAM, etc.) shows the intensity of their contribution to academic research.