The academic entrepreneurial ecosystem in Greece
Supporting the Needs of Older, Vulnerable Employees. The “Work, Employment and Health” Research Lab is a partner of the SNOVE Project funded by the European “Leonardo da Vinci Programme”, from October 2011 to October 2013. The project’s goal is to redefine the concepts put in place by the GFTU (General Federation of Trade Unions) for supporting the needs of older and vulnerable employees, nearing retirement or unemployed, in conjunction with four European partners. The aim is to develop a comprehensive training program for developing professional skills and new job-search techniques. The deliverable is aimed at all unions and employment organizations.
Performance indicators related to sustainable development
Today, sustainable development goals are gradually being integrated by large companies in their performance measurement and reporting. In this research project intervention, the researcher Delphine Gibassier participates both in the project of international standardization of the performance indicators linked to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of which Danone is co-chair (and led by the Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative – GRI), and develops performance indicators related to sustainable development goals for Danone.
This project is financed by Danone through an Intervention Research contract. The project is taking place between September 2017 until August 2018.
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Intangible Assets in Integrated Reporting
This research project consists of analyzing the reporting of intangibles in integrated reports at the global level. First, a globally unique database of integrated reports published in 2017 has been developed. The analysis of the dissemination of intangible reporting and its analysis through the quantitative and qualitative content will be carried out during the year 2017/2018.
This project is financed by the French Accounting Standards Authority (l’Autorité des Normes Comptables). It is conducted in partnership with Carol Adams from Durham University Business School in the United Kingdom, and Tiphaîne Jérôme from l’Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, Switzerland.
The duration of the project is from October 2017 to September 2019.
The role of Chief Financial Officer in sustainability
The general objective of the study is to understand how Chief Financial Officers interact with sustainability.
This project is funded by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Research Foundation The duration of the project is from April 2017 to April 2018.
Accompanying the rise of flexitarianism
The research project aims to study flexitarianism. Flexitarianism is a food consumption attitude consisting in deliberately reducing meat consumption. This is a very recent phenomenon in Europe and especially in France. This practice rose tremendously after the 2008 financial crisis and continues to grow. This project intends to understand the consumption patterns and the food choice process of people who claim for flexitarianism.This project is funded by the Midi-Pyrénées Regional Council and by the company Nutrition et Santé seated in Revel (81) from September 2014 to September 2015. The Laboratory Cognition, Languages, Language, Ergonomics, University Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès – CNRS, is the academic partner of TBS.
Environmental and social accounting
This research work is part of the innovative areas in Accounting / Management control. Their main research themes are control of environmental and social management, as well as businesses and projects of the social and solidarity economy. Two research studies focus on local businesses.The environmental and social management control is defined as the identification, collection, estimation, analysis and reporting of monetary and physical information related to environmental and social issues.This project is funded through a grant for New Incoming researchers IDEX 2014 of the Federal University Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, from April 2015 to June 2016.
Corporate environmental communication: a comparison between France and Canada
This research project is conducted in collaboration with the University of Ottawa and the Université de Québec in Montréal. This project aims to analyze public documents of a range of French and Canadian companies to compare the performance of these companies in terms of their environmental communication, while considering legislative differences characterizing France and Canada. The discursive content of the companies’ publications will also be thoroughly analyzed and compared.This project is funded through a grant for New Incoming researchers IDEX 2014 of the Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, from April 2015 to June 2016.
POREEN Project : Partnering Opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable Energies and Environmental iNdustries)
The New Management Practices research group is one of the POREEN project partners. This project is a “Marie Curie Action” – an International Research Staff Exchange Scheme – part of the 7th European RTD Framework Programme, from 1/1/2013 to 31/12/2016. This is a scheme enabling research centers in China and Europe to exchange scientific personnel. It aims to identify suitable opportunities for partnering between Europe and China in the field of renewable energies and environmental industries. The project is coordinated by the University of Macerata (Italy) and brings together five European beneficiaries in Italy, France and the United Kingdom with four Chinese partners. Toulouse Business School will be in contact with the Research Centre of Climate Change and Trade of Beijing Normal University (BNU).
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Pierre de Fermat Chair of Excellence: Creating new business models for sustainable development
Professor Jan Jonker, from Nijmegen School of Management – Radboud University Nijmegen in The Netherlands, is the beneficiary of Pierre de Fermat Chair of Excellence. Jan Jonker will be hosted by Toulouse Business School Research Centre for a period of 12 months from September 2014 to October 2016.The objectives of the Chair are as follows:
The research deals with the creation of new business models for sustainable development. The aim is to determine organizational principles, rules and conditions under which these new models can be successfully developed in different national settings, on the basis of an indepth comparison between France, Holland and Germany.
Quantitative analysis for non technical brakes for innovation: the case of SMEs in the aeronautic and space sectors in the Midi-Pyrénées region
The Marketing & Communication Networks Research Lab recieved funding from the Midi-Pyrénées Regional Council for a study concerning « Quantitative analysis for non technical brakes for innovation ». The study considers SMEs in the aeronautic and space sectors from January 2012 to November 2012. A better understanding of non-technical brakes for innovation will enable the improvement of the management and efficiency of regional policies to support innovation.
Consumer behaviour during the crisis
The “Financial Economics” Research Group at Toulouse Business School signed an agreement with “Luxembourg For Finance” (LFF) to study the consequences of the financial crisis on the consumer demand of financial products. This study will analyse the changes in their behaviour since the start of the crisis in 2008 as well as the modifications in the level of confidence in their financial intermediaries. The project duration is from July 2012 to November 2012.
DEVAPPRENT project: Development learning system in Lithuania
Work Employment Health Research Group is partner of DEVAPPRENT project funded by the European Leonardo da Vinci, from November 2010 to October 2012.This project aims to develop the learning system in Lithuania, based on good practices in France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The project also aims to enable learning more attractive and more accessible for young people. It is coordinated by the Research Group ITB, University of Bremen, Germany.
French National Agency for Research: Restructuring and its impact on health
Employment and Organizations and System of Health Research Groups at Toulouse Business School have signed an agreement with the National Agency of Research, January 2009-June 2011, for a research project on the restructuring and its impact on health at work.The aim is threefold:
Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrénées : Conceptualizing a regional observation panel on Foodstuffs
The New Management Practices research group at Toulouse Business school are partners in setting up a Regional Observation Panel on food behaviour with the CERTOP-University of Toulouse 11. The project, from 2009 – 10, was financed by the ‘Conseil Régional Midi-Pyrenées’. The study group is working to outline the shape of this panel, placed alongside the AgriMip Innovation and Cancer-Biotechnology-Health clusters. The evolution of consumer food patterns has clear consequences in health and the economy and Toulouse, through these research partners, is well qualified in its expertise to analyze consumer behaviour.
Ministry of the Economy, Finances and Industry – ‘Direction génerale de la Compétivité’, de l’industrie et des services (DGCIS) and CDC Entreprises Portefeuille: La stratégie des entreprises
The New Management Practices research group signed a convention with the DGCIS and CDC Entreprises within the framework of the ‘France Investissement’ programme from December 2008 to December 2009. The objective was to put in place a ‘pre-diagnosis’ strategy and a transversal study of these diagnoses to understand the challenges companies currently face. Company leaders often face serious dilemmas in terms of strategy and these ‘pre-diagnoses’ may assist certain, many of whom already benefit from France Investment funding, to resolve these challenges.
IMA: From share value to shared value: Exploring the role of integrated reporting in accounting practices
IMA, the Association of accountants and financial professionals in business seated in New Jersey, signed a research contract with two French academic research laboratories: TBS and HEC.This research project is expected to make several contributions to theory and practice, such as providing a better understanding of the concept of “Integrated Reporting” and its implications on accounting practices, studying the way in which accounting can help organizations face conflicting stakeholders’ demands and exploring the future of sustainability reporting.This research is conducted jointly with the Université Laval, Québec.The duration of the project is from August 2013 to September 2015.
Airline growth strategies
The objective of the project is to study the evolution of air transport systems in mature markets through the operation of two large databases. On the basis of this information and using supply and demand modeling methods, the study will focus on the evolution of airline networks. The objective is to predict what will be the future airline expansion strategies in terms of hub creation or elimination, fleet choice, participation or not in the various alliances that exist in the air sector.This project is funded by the Regional Council of Midi-Pyrénées from September 2014 to December 2015. It is a research collaboration between the National School of Civil Aviation (ENAC) and TBS.
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LITVETNET Project: Developing vocational training networks
Toulouse Business School’s Employment research group was one of the LITVETNET project partners, as part of the Leonardo da Vinci European programme from January 2008 to December 2009. This project aimed to develop regional networks for vocational training in Lithuania based on systems used in France, Germany and the Netherlands. The objective was also to improve the match between supply and demand on the labor market and increase people’s employability and competitiveness. The project was coordinated by Vytautus Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania.
CONSULT IN EUROPE Project: Training older workers (aged 45+) for the consulting profession
Toulouse Business School’s Employment research group coordinated the CONSULT IN EUROPE project, funded as part of the European Leonardo Da Vinci program from October 2006 to September 2008. This project involved a partnership of stakeholders in the Management Consulting sector from nine European countries (Romania, Ireland, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Belgium and France). This pilot project focused on matching older workers’ skills and experience with the needs of the consultancy sector.
SEARRCH: Sustainability Engineering Assessment Research for Recycled Composites with High value
The purpose of SEARRCH is to develop tools (knowledge, models, methods,…) which will assess the environmental, economic and social performance of the recycling of composites applied to the aeronautic sector.
SEARRCH is coordinated by ALTRAN RESEARCH. The academic partners are Laboratoire de Génie Chimique of Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires of Université de Bordeaux 1, and TBS.
SEARRCH is financed by the National Research Agency (ANR).
The duration of the project is from January 2014 to December 2017.
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KPMG: Management dashboards for SMEs
The “New Management Practices” Research Lab at Toulouse Business School signed an agreement with “KPMG Entreprises” to observe practices and monitor academic developments concerning management dashboards adapted to SMEs from January 2007. The project’s goal is to design a specific dashboard for this type of company.
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PRISMA Project: Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs
Toulouse Business School’s Employment research group was one of the partners of the PRISMA project, funded as part of the Interreg European program from January 2007 to June 2008. This project promoted the integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in SMEs in southern Europe (Spain, Portugal and France). CSR is the implementation of sustainable development principles at company level. It aims to balance economic, social and environmental issues while contributing to business performance. The PRISMA project gave 15 SMEs from Midi-Pyrénées an opportunity to integrate a management model based on criteria concerning Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility.