SIRIUS is the first international chair dedicated to law and management of activities for the space sector, the Space Institute for Research on Innovative Uses of Satellites was born from an unprecedented academic, public and industrial partnership between the most important private stakeholders of the European space industry: Airbus Defense & Space and Thales Alenia Space, a major European public player in the sector, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), and two high-profile academic institutions: TBS Education and the University of Toulouse I Capitole.
The aim of SIRIUS is to create a leading international research team in law and management in the space sector and to bring together all the necessary expertise for industrial and commercial activities in relation to space and its use in the field of law and management of space activities. TBS concentrates on the following management science and research topics:
The SIRIUS Chair is funded over a 5-year period from September 2023 to September 2028.
Contact :
Victor DOS SANTOS PAULINO – Co-Chair of the Sirius Chair and Researcher at the TBS Entrepreneurship and Strategy Lab
– What type of research does the SIRIUS Chair conduct?
The SIRIUS Chair was created in 2013 and unites a team of researchers who specialize in management science and in applied science for the space sector. The research covers a variety of subjects, such as market analysis, the strategy of organizations and their resources, innovation management, etc.
– What are the main results of this research so far?
The SIRIUS Chair focuses on three areas of action: research, training and dissemination. The researchers involved have produced scientific work for a better understanding of the profound transformations of the sector, such as the miniaturization of satellites, the entry of SpaceX, servicization or even the relaxation of export controls since the mid-2000s. As to the training, the SIRIUS Chair is particularly involved in the European project UNIVERSEH (European Space University for Earth and Humanity) aiming to create a “European University” dedicated to the space sector and to take into account social, societal and environmental challenges. In terms of events, the SIRIUS Talks organized by the Sirius Chair are major annual law and management meetings for the space sector.
– What is the impact of your research for the partnering companies and institutions?
The work of the SIRIUS chair helps partner organizations in their diagnostics and decision-making process. In addition, SIRIUS contributes to the visibility of its partners and of the sector in academic and student communities that go beyond the space sector (management sciences and law).
– How does the funding help research move forward?
The funding made it possible to create and perpetuate the first European research team in management sciences and law for the space sector. Thanks to the continuity of funding since 2013, TBS Education has developed solid expertise, which is illustrated by 128 scientific productions (academic publications, doctoral theses, research papers).
Hubert DIEZ – Head of Higher Education Relations – Direction of Applications and Science Innovation – CNES
“Thanks to the SIRIUS Chair, the CNES now has the opportunity to enrich its prospective work, whether it is in the field of space law, new economic models or even new management methods. The work of the researchers guarantees in-depth and always very well-structured studies.
As the space industry is highly evolving now, having such a structure to lean on is essential. This chair, which is now established on the international scene, allows France to be present in current issues but also in the future.“
CĂ©dric BALTY – Director of Innovation, Thales Alenia Space
“In the space sector, cycles are long, regulatory and political challenges create structure and the economic models are not very mature yet. The research activity carried out by the Sirius Chair is a necessary light to take a step back from the dynamics and changes underway, to better understand and anticipate changes in our sector or to take stock of the obstacles and opportunities brought about by New Space initiatives. The combination of Law and Management, through our two academic partners, TBS and UT1, is an asset that makes this chair unique at the service of our industry.“
Gilbert GRISERI – Head of Technical Strategy and R&D , Airbus Defence and Space (Space Systems)
“The space activity raises or renews a growing number of questions, related in particular to the management of debris, the regulation of traffic as well as the exploitation of extraterrestrial natural resources or the militarization of space. These questions relate of course to the law, but also to business models that could help find an economically viable solution to some of these problems. The SIRIUS Chair helps to enlighten us in this context, which is complex through weak global governance and the initiatives of certain countries.“
Victor Dos Santos Paulino
The Executive DBA at TBS Education equips professionals with analytical thinking and scientific method skills, essential for navigating today’s complex business environment. According to Stéphane Thion, Program Manager, this professional doctorate offers a competitive edge and meets varied motivations, from career advancement to gaining unique expertise.