The research collaboration between TBS Education and the firm BETTER HUMAN aims to investigate the interplay between variables like stressors, work conditions, telework, addiction, engagement, satisfaction, and micro-CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in France. 

Several lines of research can include, but are not limited to:  

  • Investigate methodological approaches for assessing and measuring stress and strain at work. 
  • Examine the impact of work conditions, stressors, and telework on addiction and psychological stress, considering potential differences by gender and country, as well as changes that have occurred from 2017 to 2022. 
  • Examine the influence of supervisor location on followers’ perception of organizational support and its subsequent impact on engagement, perceived stress, and satisfaction. 
  • Explore a leader-centric perspective on the effect of workload and work conditions on managers’ stress, health, and addictive behaviours. 
  • Investigate the interaction effects of an organization’s CSR values with employee perceptions on engagement and professional life satisfaction at the micro-level. 

By achieving these research objectives, the collaboration aims to provide valuable insights and evidence-based recommendations to organizations, especially in France regarding the management of stressors, work conditions, telework, addiction, engagement, satisfaction, and the implementation of micro-CSR initiatives, ultimately leading to improved employee well-being and organizational outcomes. 

The project is scheduled to run for 4 years from January 2024. 

About the research team:
Caroline TILLOU, a teacher-researcher specializing in human resources and more specifically in occupational health within the Work, Employment, Health laboratory at TBS Education will coordinate a team of teacher-researchers from the same laboratory, including Antonio ABRANTES, Cordula BARZANTNY, Charline COLLARD, Alain KLARSFELD, and Antony PERRIER.

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BETTER HUMAN is an independent human capital consulting firm based in Toulouse, France, which helps organizations improve their overall performance (economic, environmental and social) by developing the quality of life and working conditions that underpin sustainable corporate performance. Their approach and tools enable them to build and stabilize a balanced relationship between the employee, the company, the position they occupy and the tools they use to do their job well. Arol KETCHIEMEN, Engineer, will work with the TBS Education team.