The annual Social & Innovation Marketing lab workshop: “New Frontiers in Social and Innovation Marketing” Toulouse, France, June 24, 2024 The third annual “Social & Innovation Marketing Lab” Workshop will be held on-site at TBS Education on June 24, 2024. The workshop’s theme is “New Frontiers in Social and Innovation Marketing.” In the rapidly evolving domain of modern marketing, we find ourselves at the confluence of groundbreaking technological advancements and...
Research Seminar with Dmitry Ivanov: Resilience, Viability, and Digital Twins in Supply Chain Management Friday, April, 5th, 2024 – 10am to 12 pm • Room 327 Lascrosses Building Dmitry Ivanov, Professor for Supply Chain and Operations Management Department of Business and Economics, Berlin School of Economics and Law Resilience, Viability, and Digital Twins in Supply Chain Management In this talk, we discuss practical methods and digital...
Research article — When Is CEO Activism Conducive to the Democratic Process? This article complements the predominantly instrumentally oriented literature on CEO activism and contributes, more broadly, to the literature that explores the normative dimensions of corporate political involvement, as well as to a growing strand of research that draws on philosophical theory to inform business leaders’ ethical decision-making.
Research article — Managing my shame: Investigating the effects of organizational identity threat and public service motivation on exemplification The present study investigates how public employees make sense of and react to threatening events that may call into question organization's core attributes and status.
Research article — Early-career academic engagement in university–industry collaborative PhDs: Research orientation and project performance This study sheds light on an understudied area of academic engagement and highlights the significance of considering research orientation and students' taste for science or industry when developing university-industry collaborations. This has implications for PhD supervisors, PhD students, their industrial partners, and policymakers.
Research article — The resistance toward COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A study of psychological reactance among young adults in Italy We investigate how and when threats to freedom posed by government-imposed containment measures to young adults reduce their contact tracing apps (CTAs) adoption intentions.
Research article — Are both generative AI and ChatGPT game changers for 21st-Century operations and supply chain excellence? This study investigates the benefits, challenges, and trends associated with Gen-AI/ChatGPT in O&SCM.
Research article — Entry mode diversity and closing commercial deals with international customers: The moderating role of advanced servitization As the importance of servitization and service-augmented solution delivery grows into a mainstream phenomenon for manufacturers, offering theoretically founded avenues to solve their specific internationalization challenges is necessary.
Research article — Data-driven market effectiveness: The role of a sustained customer analytics capability in business operations This study's objective is to investigate how a business can achieve data-driven market effectiveness through the sustained application of a customer analytics capability to its operations.
Research article — Sustainability and intermodality in humanitarian logistics: A two-stage multi-objective programming formulation: a two-stage multi-objective programming formulation Intermodality is a valuable approach when infrastructure is damaged, as it allows the use of different delivery modes to reach demand areas. Nevertheless, involving different transportation modes has an impact on the environment.