On Monday December 4th, the Financial Times published its annual ranking of the 90 best business schools in Europe. This is the latest annual ranking by the British economic and financial daily, dedicated to European universities and business schools. This year, TBS Education confirms its positive momentum by entering the top 50, moving up 9 places to 46th place.

StĂ©phanie Lavigne, Managing Director of TBS Education, is delighted: “We are proud that our school has moved up 9 places among the top European business schools. This success is a strong signal and demonstrates the positive dynamic that TBS Education is part of. This is excellent news for our entire community, as the Financial Times rankings are eagerly awaited by students and recruiters from all over the world.”

A place in the top 90 of europe’s best business schools

Following its rankings of the best MBAs and Masters in Management, the Financial Times has now compiled a ranking of the 90 best business schools in Europe. 

To compile this top 90, the British media, which is widely consulted around the world, relies mainly on several criteria linked to the careers of graduates, but also to the course itself. Alumni are questioned 3 years after the end of their course on criteria that guide students’ choices, such as professional integration, career development, international mobility, the faculty’s academic level, its degree of internationalisation and its gender balance. 

What are the results for tbs education?

TBS Education continues to climb, having already moved up 3 places in the rankings last year. The British daily singled out TBS Education for its international dimension, an issue at the heart of the multi-campus school’s DNA, with its presence in Barcelona and Casablanca. By climbing into the top 50 of European schools, 46th place and in the top 10 of French business schools, the school is reaffirming its ambition to be a major player in French and European higher education.

TBS Education has also gained places in the other Financial Times rankings worldwide: 13 places in the Masters in Management ranking (37th) and 12 places in the GEMBA ranking (62nd).

Florence Ramillon, Director of International Relations, comments: “I am proud to highlight our remarkable rise in all the rankings, both national and international. This achievement testifies to our commitment to academic excellence, the quality of our teaching and the relevance of our programmes. We are particularly honoured by the recognition of our overall performance, which extends to crucial areas such as the employability of our graduates, the development of cutting-edge skills, the mastery of specialist expertise, and the strength of our professional networks. Innovation is central to our school, guiding our approach to teaching, the design of our programmes, our research activities, the management of our campuses and the formation of strategic alliances. Whether through the integration of cutting-edge technologies, the development of innovative partnerships or the promotion of artificial intelligence in our educational processes, we are determined to remain at the forefront of innovation to offer our students a world-class education.