A group of four students from TBS Education are embarking on a cycling campaign (100 000 km). Their mission is simple: they will cycle for water to raise awareness on water issues in more than 20 countries and with the support of four local NGO partners based in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Cambodia, they will install rainwater harvesters, water filters and sanitation solutions in primary schools.
The group started their adventure in New Zealand and made their way to Australia and finally southeast Asia. The overall success of their project is based on communication and dissemination. The university partners of TBS Education have a major part to play in supporting this initiative. A call has been launched to selective institutions asking them to student conference where CycleForWater can raise awareness on GLOBAL water issues withing the collegiate environment of our university partners.
In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal aiming to ensure available & sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, the CycleForWater team would like to organize a one-hour conference on water sensibilization. The conference is divided into two parts: 45 minutes dedicated to the theme of Current water management issues around the world and the project of CycleForWater. The presentation is followed by 15 minutes of question and answers (Q&A). The group is also designing a Water Mosaic Workshop as a creative, hand-on way of learning.
We at hereWe at here at the TBS Education International Office are supporting this endeavor as it will connect international students from different parts of the world and allow them to talk about an issue that is a challenge for us all. This endeavor as it will connect international students from different parts of the world and allow them to talk about an issue that is a challenge for us all.
For more information about the project visit their website. You can also enjoy the one-minute on water video series (in French) published after their ride through Australia and New Zealand.
You can also learn more about the TBS Education actions towards Corporate Social Responsibility.