published on 05.04.22
Congratulations to our student Marie Phan-Thanh (TBS MSc Aerospace student), who was elected on March 24th, as the official representative of the Toulouse student consortium at European level for the UNIVERSEH project. She will be in charge of representing the interests of all Toulouse students to her European counterparts.
For nearly 2 years, we have been participating, under the aegis of the Federal University of Toulouse, in the UNIVERSEH (European Space University for Earth and Humanity) project which aims to provide the European Union with new approaches for Teaching & Learning in the space sector by bringing together the expertise of recognized players in aerospace education.
To build this unique university in Europe, the UNIVERSEH project brings together the Federal University of Toulouse (Toulouse Jean-Jaurès University, Paul Sabatier University Toulouse III, Toulouse-INP, ISAE Supaéro and TBS Education), the University of Luxemburg (Luxemburg), Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf (Germany), Luleå Tekniska Universitet in Sweden and the University of Science and Technology of Krakow in Poland.
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