published on 03.01.22
From January 3rd to 7th, 2022, 72 TBS students challenged themselves to create easy to use mobile applications prototypes for our partners. This hackathon was mixing students from the Master of Science Marketing, Management and Communication and the MSc Big Data, Marketing and Management, combining mindsets and approaches for a cutting-edge result.
To prepare themselves to their potential future professional environment, the participants are working in multicultural teams with students coming from Australia, Vietnam, Spain, Brazil, China, Morocco, Lebanon, Belarus, Indonesia, South Korea, Egypt, Poland, Mexico, Russia, Thailand, Taiwan, India, Italia, and France.
During this week, the teams received the support of 5 coaches who happen to be also TBS alumni: Amaury HUBAULT DE ROZAVEN, François-Xavier FUHRMANN, Jacques TROUILLET, Sylvain DORE, Adrien PARE.
The Hackathon is about students gaining real live learning experience with business partners. We provide professional coaches in Design Thinking principles to help the students learn new management and leadership tools that promotes collective intelligence to bring out the genius in all of them. With the diversity of countries, professions and experiences, I am always amazed to see the serendipitous collective solutions they created working together with different points of views but in a respective way.Julius Akinyemi, the Hackathon facilitator for 3 years in a row
The Hackathon is about students gaining real live learning experience with business partners. We provide professional coaches in Design Thinking principles to help the students learn new management and leadership tools that promotes collective intelligence to bring out the genius in all of them. With the diversity of countries, professions and experiences, I am always amazed to see the serendipitous collective solutions they created working together with different points of views but in a respective way.
This 2022 Hackathon was all about using technology to improve people’s health and physical capacities. The pandemic has harshly reminded us our health can be fragile and depends on many parameters. Big data and new technologies can bring comfort and wellness in our live, help us anticipate better and follow up our performances.
This business sector related to the IoT (Internet of Things) is very dynamic and innovative. The participants of this amazing experience worked from scratch and developed solutions for 3 promising start-ups working on devices for a better health and/or fitness monitoring:
Simon Bretin, founder of Flutilliant and Bastien Costes, physical trainer, are developing a mobile app which is using data to make exercise monitoring more efficient for professionals. Their idea came after realizing the benefits that athlete and their managers could get if they used technology to collect data on their health and other information that impact their training.
This sport app is following the athlete physical injuries, performances, and wellness.
Olivier KAAKEH and Maxime MENARDO are two engineers who have created a respiratory tracker for sport and medical use. This connected mask measures the level of blood oxygenation (VO2). It is not invasive and can be used for running and other sports such as cycling, triathlon and athletics. It can also be interesting in the medical field to collect data for people with specific respiratory disorders. The affordable and precise respiratory tracker is connected to a mobile app.
IKI-DIAG is a health-oriented start-up that uses technology to follow the effect of dietary rules on health. The IKI solution is a unique connected urinary device for care pathways requiring nutrition monitoring: Kidney stones, Chronic kidney disease and Undernutrition in oncology. The company approach is to involve the patient as much as possible in the process. A mobile app is dedicated to the patients and connected to the health professionals’ application.
The job market has evolved very quickly since the beginning of the century and particularly during the last few years. Employers are looking for people with very specific soft skills and methods to fit their company’s needs. At TBS, we believe we can support our students to acquire the most sought-after skills. This Hackathon is an opportunity to focus on design thinking and collaborative intelligence using MIRO.
Design thinking is a user-centered approach for solving problems that has become well valued in the business world. This methodology uses an iterative approach to create innovative solutions based on the user experience. According to the World Economic Forum, problem solving will be one of the top job skills by 2025. Design thinking is also fantastic to boost creativity, another skill that can make a difference in a hiring process.
Collaborative intelligence is a concept based on the idea that individuals, or even Artificial intelligence/machines, work more efficiently as a group, using a collective effort, than at an individual level to solve a problem. In this decision-making process, the participants share their knowledge, data and skills. Their collective effort brings them to a type of intelligence that wouldn’t have raised individually.
The 14 participating teams have all been cooperative and taken actively part in this time limited challenge. They have gathered and analyzed a big amount of data and then built their prototypes with FIGMA, the collaborative interface design tool.
At the end of the Hackathon, each project has been carefully evaluated by our jury on 3 main criteria:
After a thorough review, the jurors have awarded to one team per challenge. Congratulations to the winners!
A second place was recognized as a “Commendable effort” for each challenge.
All students received certificates of participation from the yearly Hackathon.
Winning team – Flutilliant
2nd place – Flutilliant
Winning team – Haï Mask
2nd place – Haï Mask
Winning team – IKI-DIAG
2nd place – IKI-DIAG
More information about the previous Hackathon here:
Smart Tracker Hackathon
TBS Amazonian Forest Hackathon
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