The PRME Chapter France Benelux and the Rendez-vous des Référents du Développement Durable (R2D2) of the CGE invite you to their online event on Thursday May 27th, 2021, 10h00-12h00: “Re-Finding Us in Uncertain Times”

Prme 27 May 2021 Vdef

The current pandemic and pending economic crisis have shed renewed light on a sense of emergency regarding the state of global affairs. The very identity of universities and their strategies for transitions toward sustainability are put under a new critical lens in these pressing times.

As scholars and educators, we have responded to the crisis—merging to online and hybrid learning, critically examining trends, and maintaining our usual pragmatic tendencies that we adopted being sandwiched between the real world and theory.

The pandemic is forcing new conservations as to the role of universities in transitions towards sustainability. Each of us wants to do more, but where do we begin? We are also bogged down by school closures and isolation. We are not immune to feelings of insecurity and fear. In moments like this, group identities can serve as a powerful tool to help us find meaning, security, and a path forward.

As an interim event, until we can meet live in Toulouse, the Rendez-vous des Référents du Développement Durable (R2D2) de la CGE, the PRME France Benelux Chapter and the student network REseau Français Etudiant pour le Développement Durable (REFEDD, French Student Network for Sustainable Development) are co-hosting a short seminar/interactive workshop: “Re-Finding Us in Uncertain Times.”

Thursday, 27 May 2021

  • 10h00 – 10h10: Welcome message – R2D2 and PRME Chapter
    By Patricia Aublet (Director, Department for Social Transition at TBS) and Kim Ceulemans (Assistant Professor in Management Control and Sustainability at TBS) (ENG/FR)

  • 10h10 – 10h30: Introduction to PRME Chapter, CGE’s R2D2 and REFEDD
    By Gérald Majou (CGE – R2D2), Krista Finstad-Milion (Chair of PRME Chapter France-Benelux) and Pia Benguigui (President of REFEDD) (ENG/FR)

  • 10h30 – 11h00: The future role of higher education in a post-pandemic world
    By Lisa Thomas (Associate Professor in Strategy, HDR at Audencia Business School) (ENG, subtitled in French)

  • 11h00 – 12h00: Interactive session: Finding Us
    This session will provide space for colleagues of the different networks to get to know each other and to start sharing ideas, to provide tips and tricks for getting involved in online groups and to co-create the joint event at TBS (Toulouse) in the fall of 2021 (ENG/FR)
    By Talia Stough (Postdoctoral Researcher, KU Leuven) and Jean-Christophe Carteron (CSR Director, Kedge Business School)

Please register here for the online event: