published on 07.01.21
Friday, January 22nd, 2021, 10-12 am CEST
Online Event – In English
Following the first Global Mobility Forum in June 2020, TBS Education is taking the lead for the 2nd edition which focuses on “Managing a globally mobile workforce in difficult times of Covid-19: Challenges and Experiences”.
The forum is part of the GLOMO Horizon 2020 research project funded by the European Commission, and focuses on internationally mobile employees, corporate assigned expatriates (AE) as well as self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) considering the challenges of the Covid-19 health crisis.
During the forum, human resource professionals, global mobility managers, recruiters and people in a leadership position will be invited to share their experience and meet 3 of GLOMO’s 15 young researchers who will present their work on managing international mobility for corporations in Europe and beyond.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 765355.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action “Global mobility of employees” (GLOMO) is part of the international Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. It sees eight partners from across Europe generate knowledge about the global mobility phenomenon while training and developing a unique network of experts in the field, in order to make labour mobility more efficient and beneficial for all parties involved. Promoting labor mobility across Europe is a central objective of the Europe 2020 Strategy and to tackle labour and skill shortages in the EU. Cross-border labor mobility is expected to benefit citizens, employers and the economy. GLOMO’s focus is on global mobility into EU countries and within the EU and its impact on careers.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Cordula Barzantny on behalf of the entire GLOMO Consortium – mobile: +33 6 43 52 82 38
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