published on 15.06.21
International Scientific Survey part 2! Following the success of last year’s international scientific survey, TBS researchers Kévin Carillo and Alain Klarsfeld launch a new edition to learn more about the conditions that make for efficient teleworking while respecting professionals, in collaboration with the Université de Montréal and Université Laval in Canada.
Last year, TBS researchers, Kévin Carillo and Alain Klarsfeld, designed a survey in collaboration with the Université de Montréal and Université Laval in Canada to gather your views on teleworking in a context of crisis. Indeed, teleworking was improvised and gradually got organized, which significantly changed our working habits over the last year.
In the same partnership between the Chair in Governance for Diversity at Université de Montréal, and Université Laval – CeRTIA and TBS Education, you are now kindly invited to participate in the second edition of our international scientific survey. This second edition is designed to help us all learn more about the conditions that make for efficient teleworking while respecting professionals. The goal is to study how working from home changes the very notion of work, how work is organized and the relationship between employee and employer.
Did you know that 51% of professionals are prepared to continue teleworking after the covid crisis? Do you feel the same ? What would be your conditions of choice ? Let us know by taking the survey so we can all influence the teleworking policies of our organizations together !
The Research Team
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