Published on 08.11.18 • Actualités des Programmes
The logistics and supply chain management sectors are constantly changing. In order to broaden the international career prospects of students and to provide an appropriate response to the needs of business, Toulouse Business School and the School of Mines in Albi, both French institutions in the Midi-Pyrénées region, jointly offer a Master of Science dedicated to supply chain and lean management.
The MSc, known as SCALE (Supply Chain And LEan Management), is built around three disciplines: supply chain management, lean management and project management. The programme allows students to combine and improve their scientific and managerial skills.
“For the supply chain and production management business, recruiters traditionally have the choice between engineers with highly specialized technical skills but who do not always have the necessary soft skills, or managers from business schools who lack prerequisite technical abilities. This is why our two schools decided to set up a new programme combining the two approaches,” said Uche Okongwu, Director of Outlook and Pedagogical Innovation at TBS.
The MSc SCALE trains students in the methods of managing physical and information flows in an international context, from the raw material to suppliers, through the system of production and distribution to the end customer. Lean management deals with the ongoing elimination of non-value added activities in these processes, in order to make them more efficient and agile, thereby increasing the company’s competitiveness.
The added value of this joint degree programme is that it integrates the preparation of 4 international business certifications*: BASICS of SCM from APICS, CAPM from the PMI, Lean-6 Sigma Yellow Belt from AGILEA and CDDP from the DDI.
The programme attracts a broad range of profiles, is made up of 90% international students and is taught entirely in English, principally on TBS’ campus in Toulouse, for a period of 16 months (two semesters with one semester in an internship or a laboratory research thesis).The programme is supported by several partner companies including Pierre Fabre, Airbus, Bosch, MBDA, Amazon, AGILEA and Thales.
The MSc SCALE is designed to give a competitive advantage to students and young professionals who want to work in management positions in the areas of supply chain and project management in an international and multicultural environment.
Marina Pauken, a German student from the MSc SCALE class of 2015-16, said: “The MSc SCALE is focused on the future. It allowed me to develop a better understanding of issues in supply chain management and the CDDP certification helped me get my internship at Pierre Fabre in France where I was in charge of International Distribution. SCALE really gives you all the tools needed to start a career abroad.”
The programme trains students for jobs across all industries (aerospace, food processing, mechanical, energy, health, administration, finance, pharmaceutical, textile, etc.) and in all sizes of business: from SMEs to multi-nationals. The market potential is therefore varied and exponential.
Graduates could enter the following jobs: project manager, head of operations/production/distribution, workshop manager or store manager, head of supplier/client relations.For more information visit the MSc SCALE website
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