TBS Education, in collaboration with Toulouse School of Management, is offering a high-level PhD program. This program is for students who have validated a first year of Master (M1) and who wish to pursue a career as an academic or who aim for a profession of great expertise in consulting, banking, or research companies.
During this program, students will first acquire, through courses and seminars, all the basics needed to carry out research work (methods and tools of research) as well as in-depth skills in their area of specialization. Students who validate the first year get a Master of Science degree and can choose to start a thesis or enter the job market. Students of the TBS Education “Grande Ecole Program” who, in the second year of master (M2), take Msc courses at TSM can obtain a double-degree TBS Education / TSM.
The research work on the thesis begins in the second semester of the first year. Students then advances in their research project: deepening the theory, developing the thesis, building a research design, defining the methodology, collecting and processing data, writing the final document.
This work is conducted in close collaboration with the thesis director and all the researchers in their laboratory. Students present their research work in workshops organized by the laboratory. They are also encouraged to attend international conferences and to spend time at other universities abroad. Students will also give several tutorials to prepare for their teaching job. They also continue to receive additional lectures that will give them the skills necessary for high-level publication and those needed to lead a career as a researcher. The validation of these courses allows them to obtain, in addition to the doctoral thesis of the University, a MPhil in Management
Students interested in this program can find all the relevant information on the doctoral program website. This site includes information on how to enter the program, the courses offered and the list of possible supervisors in the partner institutions of the program.
TBS Education ContactLaurence DANJOU – Service Recherche TBS Educationl.danjou@tbs-education.fr05 61 29 48 90