Department: Information, Operations and Management Sciences
Assistant Professor
ALFONS, A., A. ARCHIMBAUD, K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "Tandem clustering with invariant coordinate selection", Econometrics and Statistics, 2024
ARCHIMBAUD, A., Z. DRMAČ, K. NORDHAUSEN, U. RADOJIČIĆ, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "Numerical Considerations and a New Implementation for Invariant Coordinate Selection", SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2023, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 97-121
ARCHIMBAUD, A., F. BOULFANI, X. GENDRE, K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, J. VIRTA, "ICS for multivariate functional anomaly detection with applications to predictive maintenance and quality control", Econometrics and Statistics, 2022
ARCHIMBAUD, A., F. BERGERET, S. D'ALBERTO, C. BONNIN, C. SOUAL, "A new method for small sample space components screening: Challenges, algorithms and a case-study with Microchip", Microelectronics Reliability, 2019, vol. 100-101
ARCHIMBAUD, A., K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "ICS for multivariate outlier detection with application to quality control", Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2018, vol. 128, pp. 184-199 [abs: 3]
ARCHIMBAUD, A., "Détection non-supervisée d’observations atypiques en contrôle de qualité : un survol", Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2018, vol. 159, no. 3, pp. 1-39
ARCHIMBAUD, A., K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "ICSOutlier: Unsupervised Outlier Detection for Low-Dimensional Contamination Structure", The R Journal, 2018, vol. 10, pp. 234-250
ARCHIMBAUD, A., "Robust matrix completion for rating-scale data" in 55ème journée de statistique, 27-31/05/2024, 2024, Bordeaux
ALFONS, A., A. ARCHIMBAUD, K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "Invariant Coordinate Selection for Identifying the Structure of Multivariate Datasets" in Psychoco, march, 2024, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
ALFONS, A., A. ARCHIMBAUD, K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "Tandem clustering with invariant coordinate selection (ICS)" in 11th VOC Conference, Dutch-Flemish Classification Society, june, 2024, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
ARCHIMBAUD, A., "Robust Low-Rank Completion for Rating-Scale Data" in European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA), september, 2024, Sopot, Gdansk
ARCHIMBAUD, A., "Comment rendre vos visuels mémorables ? Règles et astuces pour améliorer rapidement vos graphiques" in Journées des Rencontres Ingénieurs Statisticiens, Intitut de Biologie, septembre, 2024, Lille
ARCHIMBAUD, A., "Generalized implementation of invariant coordinate selection for potentially singular scatter matrices" in Intern. Conf. on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference, LinStat, septembre, 2024, Poprad, Slovaquie
ALFONS, A., A. ARCHIMBAUD, K. NORDHAUSEN, A. RUIZ-GAZEN, "Tandem clustering with invariant coordinate selection" in The 54th Statistical French days, juillet, 2023, Universite libre de Bruxelles, Belgique
ALFONS, A., A. ARCHIMBAUD, M. WELZ, "Quantifying effects of rating-scale response bias in correlational analyses" in Psychoco, International Workshop on Psychometric Computing, juin, 2023, Universitat Zurich, Switzerland
ALFONS, A., A. ARCHIMBAUD, M. WELZ, "Quantifying effects of rating-scale response bias: robustness properties of correlation measures" in DSSV-ECDA, Joint conference of Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation and the European Conference on Data Analysis, juillet, 2023, Antwerp, Belgium
ALESSANDRINO, S., A. ARCHIMBAUD, F. BERGERET, S. BEVILACQUA, "From space to automotive: early detection of burnin rejects on SiC products using a new statistical screening approach" in The 1st edition of the Automotive Reliability and Test workshop in Europe (ARTe), Virtual event, 2021
ARCHIMBAUD, A., C. SOUAL, F. BERGERET, S. D’ALBERTO, T. THEBAULT, C. BONIN, "High dimensional outlier screening of small dice samples for aerospace IC reliability" in The 10th international conference on mathematical methods in reliability, Grenoble, France, 2017
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