ASSASSI Isabelle
Department: Marketing
- 2005 : PhD in Marketing Management IAE - Université de Bourgogne - Dijon
- 1994 : Master of Research in Marketing - Université Toulouse 1 Capitole -
- 1992 : Master of Business Administration (MBA) - HEC - Paris
- 1984 : Master of Management - Toulouse Business School -
Teaching Experience
- Since 1994 : Professor of Marketing Toulouse Business School -
Management Duties
- 2020 - 2023 : Co Head of MSc Arts and Cultural Management Toulouse Business School Toulouse
- 2015 - 2018 : Director of "Pre experience" Programs Toulouse Business School Toulouse
- 2012 - 2018 : Director of the Program "Master in Management" Toulouse Business School Toulouse
- 2009 - 2012 : Dean of Faculty Toulouse Business School Toulouse
- 2004 - 2009 : Head of Department "Marketing - International Business" Toulouse Business School Toulouse
- 1999 - 2012 : Head of the PO "Arts and Cultural Management" Toulouse Business School Toulouse
ASSASSI, I. - "Thèse : "Les relations producteurs - distributeurs dans le canal de distribution du produit culturel"" - 2005
ALCOUFFE, S., P. AMANS, I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "French Budget Act (LOLF) Indicators as Seen Through the Lens of the National Drama Centres: A Case Study", International Journal of Arts Management, 2019, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 57-72 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4]
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ASSASSI, I., "The triple challenge of la Folle Journée de Nantes or how to make a success of folly?", International Journal of Arts Management, January 2010, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 59-71 [cnrs: 3]
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ASSASSI, I., "Régulation du canal dans un environnement incertain : le cas des arts du spectacle", Revue Française de Gestion, March 2008, no. 182, pp. 135-153 [cnrs: 4]
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ASSASSI, I., "The Programming Strategies and Relationships of Theatres : An Analysis Based on The French Experience", International Journal of Arts Management, May 2007, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 50-64
ASSASSI, I., "Spécificités du produit culturel, l’exemple du spectacle vivant", Revue Française de Gestion, January 2003, vol. 29, no. 142, pp. 130-146
ARDITTI-SIRY, R., I. ASSASSI, L. BUNDY, N. GALY, "Why don’t cultural fundraisers consider themselves as salespeople while they are using business development techniques?" in Conférence AIMAC (15e Conférence internationale sur la gestion des arts et de la culture ), Venise, 23-26 juin, 2019
ALCOUFFE, S., I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "French Budget Act (LOLF) indicators under the spotlight of the National Drama Centers: a case study" in 40th Annual Congress, Congrès de l'European Accounting Association, 2017, Valencia
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ALCOUFFE, S., I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "French Budget Act (LOLF) indicators under the spotlight of the National Drama Centers: much ado about statistics?" in 38ème Congrès 29-31/05/2017, Congrès AFC, 2017, Poitiers
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ALCOUFFE, S., I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "French Budget Act (LOLF) indicators under the spotlight of the National Drama Centers: much ado about statistics?" in SĂ©minaire de Recherche University Royal Holloway, June, 2016, Londres, Great Britain
ASSASSI, I., D. BOURGEON-RENAULT, M. FILSER, "Analysis of behavior in the cultural sphere : Explanatory models in perspective" in 10th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 2009, Dallas, United States of America
ASSASSI, I., "The influence of theater's programming strategy on their relations with artistic production companies : an analysis based on the French experience" in 8th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 2005, Montréal, Canada
ASSASSI, I., M. FILSER, "Les régulations comportementales dans les canaux de distribution. Un éclairage par le cas des activités culturelles." in 8 ème Colloque Etienne Thil, 2005, La Rochelle, France
ASSASSI, I., "Les canaux de distribution des activités culturelles" in 6ème journée de recherche en marketing de Bourgogne, 2001, Dijon, France
ASSASSI, I., "Le marketing des organisations culturelles : pour une autre approche conceptuelle" in 5th conference, 1999, Helsinki, Finland
ASSASSI, I., D. BOURGEON-RENAULT, M. FILSER, Recherches en marketing des activités culturelles, Vuibert, 2010
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ASSASSI, I., S. BONNIAU, "« Nous avons revisité Orsay, tout est à revoir » : les innovations au service de l’expérience de visite et du développement du musée » dans « Innovation et marketing de la culture et du tourisme »", D. Bourgeon-Renault, F. Euzeby et J. Passebois-Ducros Eds, Editions EMS, chap. II, Cas 8, pp. 157-179, 2022
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ASSASSI, I., "Au coeur de l'offre des institutions théâtrales : la construction d'une programmation annuelle" in Recherches en marketing des activités culturelles., pp. 81-98, 2010
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ASSASSI, I., P. ANDRIEU, D. COSTES, I. KRAUS, N. LAREDJ, R. TEXIER-PICARD, C. SOULAS, M. TRIOMPHE - "Agir avec et pour les étudiant.e.s : un levier incontournable pour une évolution durable des mentalités et des pratiques" - 2020, Livre blanc de la CGE
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ASSASSI, I. - "Des étudiants insuffisamment concernés par l’égalité F/H" - 2019, Grand Angle - Lettre d'information de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, N° 110
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ASSASSI, I., D. PAILLER - "Le marketing culturel, la force créatrice de ses contradictions, voire de ses paradoxes" - 2011, La Scène n° 60
ALCOUFFE, S., I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "Utilisation des indicateurs de performance LOLF dans les Centres Dramatiques Nationaux français : une étude exploratoire de cas multiples; Rapport DRAC", 2013
ASSASSI, I., L. BUNDY - "WE LOVE GREEN : RĂ©duire l'impact environnemental dans une industrie du live musical" - 2024, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France
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ASSASSI, I., L. BUNDY - "We Love Green: Cutting the Environmental Impact on a Weakly Committed live musical Industry" - 2024, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris
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ASSASSI, I. - "Le Choeur LES ELEMENTS" - 2002, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP)
ASSASSI, I. - "Les opticiens KRYS" - 1998, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP)
- Sales Management and Negotiation
- Distribution, Marketing Channels and Retailing
- Marketing and Management for the Arts
- Strategic Marketing
- Arts and Cultural Consumption
- Performance Indicators in the Performing Arts
- Strategic Marketing in the Performing Arts
- 2001 - 2016 : President of the Board of Directors - Les Elements’ Choir
- 1994 - 2005 : President of the Board of Directors - 3BC Theater Company
- 1991 - 1993 : Key Account Manager - Chipie
- 1985 - 1990 : Sales Manager - Lafont Eyewear