
  • 2005 : PhD in Marketing Management IAE - UniversitĂ© de Bourgogne - Dijon
  • 1994 : Master of Research in Marketing - UniversitĂ© Toulouse 1 Capitole -
  • 1992 : Master of Business Administration (MBA) - HEC - Paris
  • 1984 : Master of Management - Toulouse Business School -

Teaching Experience

  • Since 1994 : Professor of Marketing Toulouse Business School -

Management Duties

  • 2020 - 2023 : Co Head of MSc Arts and Cultural Management Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2015 - 2018 : Director of "Pre experience" Programs Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2012 - 2018 : Director of the Program "Master in Management" Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2009 - 2012 : Dean of Faculty Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2004 - 2009 : Head of Department "Marketing - International Business" Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 1999 - 2012 : Head of the PO "Arts and Cultural Management" Toulouse Business School Toulouse
    • ASSASSI, I. - "Thèse : "Les relations producteurs - distributeurs dans le canal de distribution du produit culturel"" - 2005

    • ALCOUFFE, S., P. AMANS, I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "French Budget Act (LOLF) Indicators as Seen Through the Lens of the National Drama Centres: A Case Study", International Journal of Arts Management, 2019, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 57-72 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4]

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    • ASSASSI, I., "The triple challenge of la Folle JournĂ©e de Nantes or how to make a success of folly?", International Journal of Arts Management, January 2010, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 59-71 [cnrs: 3]

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    • ASSASSI, I., "RĂ©gulation du canal dans un environnement incertain : le cas des arts du spectacle", Revue Française de Gestion, March 2008, no. 182, pp. 135-153 [cnrs: 4]

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    • ASSASSI, I., "The Programming Strategies and Relationships of Theatres : An Analysis Based on The French Experience", International Journal of Arts Management, May 2007, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 50-64

    • ASSASSI, I., "SpĂ©cificitĂ©s du produit culturel, l’exemple du spectacle vivant", Revue Française de Gestion, January 2003, vol. 29, no. 142, pp. 130-146

    • ARDITTI-SIRY, R., I. ASSASSI, L. BUNDY, N. GALY, "Why don’t cultural fundraisers consider themselves as salespeople while they are using business development techniques?" in ConfĂ©rence AIMAC (15e ConfĂ©rence internationale sur la gestion des arts et de la culture ), Venise, 23-26 juin, 2019

    • ALCOUFFE, S., I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "French Budget Act (LOLF) indicators under the spotlight of the National Drama Centers: a case study" in 40th Annual Congress, Congrès de l'European Accounting Association, 2017, Valencia

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    • ALCOUFFE, S., I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "French Budget Act (LOLF) indicators under the spotlight of the National Drama Centers: much ado about statistics?" in 38ème Congrès 29-31/05/2017, Congrès AFC, 2017, Poitiers

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    • ALCOUFFE, S., I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "French Budget Act (LOLF) indicators under the spotlight of the National Drama Centers: much ado about statistics?" in SĂ©minaire de Recherche University Royal Holloway, June, 2016, Londres, Great Britain

    • ASSASSI, I., D. BOURGEON-RENAULT, M. FILSER, "Analysis of behavior in the cultural sphere : Explanatory models in perspective" in 10th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 2009, Dallas, United States of America

    • ASSASSI, I., "The influence of theater's programming strategy on their relations with artistic production companies : an analysis based on the French experience" in 8th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, 2005, MontrĂ©al, Canada

    • ASSASSI, I., M. FILSER, "Les rĂ©gulations comportementales dans les canaux de distribution. Un Ă©clairage par le cas des activitĂ©s culturelles." in 8 ème Colloque Etienne Thil, 2005, La Rochelle, France

    • ASSASSI, I., "Les canaux de distribution des activitĂ©s culturelles" in 6ème journĂ©e de recherche en marketing de Bourgogne, 2001, Dijon, France

    • ASSASSI, I., "Le marketing des organisations culturelles : pour une autre approche conceptuelle" in 5th conference, 1999, Helsinki, Finland

    • ASSASSI, I., D. BOURGEON-RENAULT, M. FILSER, Recherches en marketing des activitĂ©s culturelles, Vuibert, 2010

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    • ASSASSI, I., S. BONNIAU, "« Nous avons revisitĂ© Orsay, tout est Ă  revoir » : les innovations au service de l’expĂ©rience de visite et du dĂ©veloppement du musĂ©e » dans « Innovation et marketing de la culture et du tourisme »", D. Bourgeon-Renault, F. Euzeby et J. Passebois-Ducros Eds, Editions EMS, chap. II, Cas 8, pp. 157-179, 2022

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    • ASSASSI, I., "Au coeur de l'offre des institutions théâtrales : la construction d'une programmation annuelle" in Recherches en marketing des activitĂ©s culturelles., pp. 81-98, 2010

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    • ASSASSI, I., P. ANDRIEU, D. COSTES, I. KRAUS, N. LAREDJ, R. TEXIER-PICARD, C. SOULAS, M. TRIOMPHE - "Agir avec et pour les Ă©tudiant.e.s : un levier incontournable pour une Ă©volution durable des mentalitĂ©s et des pratiques" - 2020, Livre blanc de la CGE

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    • ASSASSI, I. - "Des Ă©tudiants insuffisamment concernĂ©s par l’égalitĂ© F/H" - 2019, Grand Angle - Lettre d'information de la ConfĂ©rence des Grandes Ecoles, N° 110

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    • ASSASSI, I., D. PAILLER - "Le marketing culturel, la force crĂ©atrice de ses contradictions, voire de ses paradoxes" - 2011, La Scène n° 60

    • ALCOUFFE, S., I. ASSASSI, F. ORIOT, "Utilisation des indicateurs de performance LOLF dans les Centres Dramatiques Nationaux français : une Ă©tude exploratoire de cas multiples; Rapport DRAC", 2013

    • ASSASSI, I., L. BUNDY - "WE LOVE GREEN : RĂ©duire l'impact environnemental dans une industrie du live musical" - 2024, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris, France

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    • ASSASSI, I., L. BUNDY - "We Love Green: Cutting the Environmental Impact on a Weakly Committed live musical Industry" - 2024, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP), Paris

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    • ASSASSI, I. - "Le Choeur LES ELEMENTS" - 2002, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP)

    • ASSASSI, I. - "Les opticiens KRYS" - 1998, Centrale des Cas et des MĂ©dias PĂ©dagogiques (CCMP)

    • Sales Management and Negotiation
    • Distribution, Marketing Channels and Retailing
    • Marketing and Management for the Arts
    • Strategic Marketing
    • Arts and Cultural Consumption
    • Performance Indicators in the Performing Arts
    • Strategic Marketing in the Performing Arts
      • 2001 - 2016 : President of the Board of Directors - Les Elements’ Choir
      • 1994 - 2005 : President of the Board of Directors - 3BC Theater Company
      • 1991 - 1993 : Key Account Manager - Chipie
      • 1985 - 1990 : Sales Manager - Lafont Eyewear

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