Department: Information, Operations and Management Sciences
Associate Professor
BOCO, H. - "Thèse : "Modèles de dynamique des prix sur les marchés financiers et processus de formation de bulles spéculatives"" - 2010
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Private Information And Trading Speed", Finance, 2029, vol. Pub. anticipées, no. 0, pp. 130-192 [fnege: 2, abs: 1]
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "When Overconfident Traders Meet Feedback Traders", Finance, 2021, vol. Vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 7-55 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 1]
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Strategic Market Making and Risk Sharing", Journal of Mathematical Finance, 2017, vol. 07, no. 01, pp. 144-179
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Heterogeneous noisy beliefs and dynamic competition in financial markets", Economic Modelling, April 2016, vol. 54, no. 54, pp. 347-363 [cnrs: 2, abs: 2]
BOCO, H., G. BAECHLER, L. GERMAIN, C. LYON-CAEN, "Sustainable corporate boards with employee representation " in Conférence ICFBA, 2023, Montpellier, France
BOCO, H., "Sustainable corporate boards with employee representation " in Conférence ICFBA,, 2023
GERMAIN, L., H. BOCO, F. ROUSSEAU, "High Frequency Trading: Strategic Competition Between Slow and Fast Traders" in 26th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Jerusalem School of Business Administration, Jerusalem, Israel, June 30 - July 3, 2019
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Heterogeneous beliefs and imperfect competition in sequential auction markets" in Conférence des Grandes Ecoles Essec, February, 2013, Paris, France
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "When overconfident traders meet feedback traders" in AFFI - The 28th annual International Conference of the French Finance Association, 2011, Montpellier, France
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "When overconfident traders meet feedback traders" in Séminaire Inter-Business Schools, 2011, Rouen, France
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "When overconfident traders meet feedback traders" in Midwest Finance Association, 2011, Chicago, United States of America
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Strategic market making and risk sharing" in EFMA, 2010, Aarhus, Denmark
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Strategic market making and risk sharing" in Association française de finance, 2010, St Malo, France
BAECHLER, G., H. BOCO, L. GERMAIN - "De la vertu des mesures anti-OPA" - 2020, Les Echos
GERMAIN, L., H. BOCO - "Les conséquences du trading à haute fréquence sur les marchés financiers" - 2017, Analyse financière
VANHEMS, A., H. BOCO - "Les mathématiques : outil indispensable en finance?" - 2012, Grand Angle
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