
  • 2020 : PhD in Management Ecole Doctorale en Gestion de Toulouse – Toulouse School of Management - Université Capitole Toulouse
  • 2013 : Master’s degree (postgraduate) Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge
  • 2003 : Master’s degree (postgraduate) Instituto de Economia Internacional, Universidad de Alicante Alicante
  • 2003 : 4th-Year study (undergraduate) Université de Lorraine Nancy

Teaching Experience

  • Since 2022 : Professor in Human Management Resources & Business Law Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • From 2021 to 2022 : Lecturer Université Toulouse Capitole 1 / ESQESE (UCT) / INP-N7 (ENSEEIHT) / B2M (Business and Management Montauban), TBS Education
  • From 2020 to 2021 : Assistant professor Toulouse School of Management (TSM) – Université de Toulouse Capitole 1 Toulouse
  • From 2018 to 2019 : Temporary lecturer and researcher (A.T.E.R.) Toulouse School of Management (TSM) – Université de Toulouse Capitole 1 Toulouse
  • From 2015 to 2016 : Lecturer NEOMA Business School Mont-Saint-Aignan (Rouen)
  • From 2012 to 2014 : Lecturer Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge

Management Duties

  • 2027 - 2018 : Member of the EQUIS Working Committee Chapter 9 (Ethics & Sustainability) Toulouse School of Management Toulouse
    • COLLARD, C., "La mutation politique du travail", Question(s) de Management, 2024, vol. 48, no. « L'organisation de demain en question(s) », pp. 165 [fnege: 4]

    • COLLARD, C., "Revisiting paradoxes in the context of CSR: On the sustainable role of emotions and a “more-than” paradoxical frame" in 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan, 2024

    • COLLARD, C., "When creating an ecovillage: Understanding meaningfulness dynamics of work on the development of an alternative organization." in Colloque Organisations de demain, 2023, Reims, France

    • COLLARD, C., A. ABRANTES, M. PINA E CUHNA, "Reframing the role of emotions in the management of sustainability paradoxes: Paths to ecological transition", EGOS, 2023, Cagliari, Italy

    • COLLARD, C., "Création d'un écovillage : Comprendre la dynamique de sens au travail dans le développement d'une organisation alternative" in Conférence RIODD, 2023, Lille, France

    • COLLARD, C., "Understanding the Dynamics of CSR Deep Meaningfulness in Grassroots Community Enterprise" in Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC), (online) octobre,, 2021

    • COLLARD, C., "Understanding the dynamics of deep meaningfulness when pursuing a double calling: A longitudinal study among individuals of a grassroots community enterprise" in EGOS Colloquium (online); July,, 2020

    • COLLARD, C., P. NÈGRE, "Projet citoyen expérimental de développement territorial: Cycles d’apprentissages réciproques dans le dialogue coopératif et l’intégration d’objectifs soutenables" in 14e congrès du RIODD Développement durable, La Rochelle, Septembre,, 2019

    • COLLARD, C., M. FORTIN, "When doing your job is “Not Enough”: How corporate social responsibility managers deal with tensions between organizational reality, higher purpose, and their own expectations" in Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , Boston, 2019

    • COLLARD, C., M. FORTIN, "Exploring the Calling Experience of Corporate Social Responsibility Managers through the Frame of Ideology-Infused Contracts" in EGOS Colloquium Tallinn, July,, 2018

    • COLLARD, C., "Tensions and Personal Responsibilities When Engaging in a Responsible Career: Focus on CSR Managers and Emotions" in Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility., Joan Marques, Satinder Dhiman Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 241-258, 2020

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    • 2021 Présélectionnée parmi les trois meilleurs articles de doctorat à la conférence du CRRC
    • 2016 Best presentation at the AGRH doctoral workshops, Strasbourg
    • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
    • Business Ethics
    • Organizational Behavior
    • HR Communication & Employer Branding
    • Human Resources
    • Introduction to Research
    • Micro-CSR
    • Psychological Contracts
    • Work Meaningfulness
    • Multi-stakeholder partnerships
      • 2021 - 2021 : Director of Studies (interim), M2 CSR Law and Manag ESQESE - Ecole Supérieure pour la Qualité, l'Environnement et la Sécurité-Santé en Entreprise Toulouse
      • 2021 - 2022 : Formatrice B2M Formation | CCI Formation 82 Toulouse
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