Department: Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Associate Professor
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : Emergence, stabilisation et discontinuités de l’innovation : l’industrie spatiale" - 2018, Université Littoral Côte d’Opale Dunkerque
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "Les freins à l'innovation des TPE/PME aéronautiques et spatiales en région Midi-Pyrénées : analyse et recommandations" - 2012
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "Thèse : "Le changement technique et organisationnel en situation d’incertitude : Une analyse des strategies d’inertie dans l’industrie spatiale"" - 2009
PULSIRI, N., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "The green path to space sustainability: Twenty years of research", International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 2024, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 299-318 [abs: 1]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., N. PULSIRI, C. BENAROYA, "Navigating Disruptions with Bibliometrics: The New Space Case", Innovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation, 2024, vol. 2024/2 (N° 44), pp. 137 à 160 [fnege: 2]
CLOITRE, A., C. THEODORAKI, V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "Entrepreneurial support organizations in sustainable knowledge-driven ecosystems", Journal of Technology Transfer, 2024 [fnege: 3, abs: 3]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., S. V. GUDMUNDSSON, "Do early adopters raise barriers to the commercial take-up of strategic high-technology products?", Innovation, 2024, pp. 1-18 [fnege: 4, abs: 2]
BENAROYA, C., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "Le New Space: Ruptures et transformations de l’écosystème spatial" Forthcoming ISTE OpenScience
CLOITRE, A., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, C. THEODORAKI, "The quadruple/quintuple helix model in entrepreneurial ecosystems: an institutional perspective on the space case study", R&D Management, 2022 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BARBAROUX, P., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "Why do motives matter? A demand-based view of the dynamics of a complex products and systems (CoPS) industry", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2022 [cnrs: 2, abs: 2]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., N. PULSIRI, "Safeguarding Earth and space’s environment: Issues and trends towards sustainable development", International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 2022, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 353-376 [abs: 1]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., S. VIDAR GUDMUNDSSON, "Market Diffusion of Industrial Products and Regulatory Barriers to Adoption: The Case of Satellites", Innovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation, 2021, vol. 3 (n° 36), pp. 117 à 138 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 3]
PEREZ, L., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, J. CAMBRA-FIERRO, "Taking advantage of disruptive innovation through changes in value networks: insights from the space industry", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2017, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 97-106 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., G. LE HIR, "Industry structure and disruptive innovations: the satellite industry", Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, May 2016, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 37-60 [cnrs: 4]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., N. TAHRI, "Les obstacles Ă l'innovation en France : analyse et recommandations", Management & Avenir, May 2014, no. 69, pp. 70-88 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Influence of risk on technology adoption: inertia strategy in the space industry", European Journal of Innovation Management, January 2014, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 41-60 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4]
BARBAROUX, P., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "Le rôle de la défense dans l'émergence d'une nouvelle industrie : le cas de l'industrie spatiale", Innovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation, June 2013, no. 42, pp. 39-58 [fnege: 4]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Risk management in space activities: reproduction of validated routines", International Business and Management, February 2012, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 57-65
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Dossier n°8 : Dynamiques d'innovation dans l'industrie spatiale mondiale de 1957 à 2009 : l'importance des innovations de commercialisation", CNES-CCT MAN, January 2012, no. 11, pp. 38-39
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Développement d'une demande commerciale et dynamiques d'innovation : le cas de l'industrie spatiale européenne", Revue des Sciences Commerciales, June 2011, no. 12, pp. 35-58
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., M. CALLOIS, "Innovation and reliability strategies in the defense, space and semiconductor industries: a comparative analysis", International Journal of Innovation Management, October 2010, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 795-821 [cnrs: 4, abs: 2]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., M. CALLOIS, "Le dilemme innovation et fiabilité: analyse comparative des industries militaro-spatiales et de semi-conducteurs", Revue d'Économie Industrielle, January 2009, vol. 125, no. 1er trimestre, pp. 53-74 [cnrs: 3]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Organizational change in risky environments : space activities", Journal of Organizational Change Management, June 2009, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 257-274 [cnrs: 3, abs: 2]
LE TEXIER, T., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "Commercial networks and file-sharing networks: competition or complementarity?", The International Scientific Journal of Management Information Systems, August 2009, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 41-55
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Stabilité dans l'usage des TIC et dans les formes organisationnelles de l'industrie spatiale : quelques éléments d'interprétation", Gérer et comprendre, December 2006, no. 86, pp. 27-36
CLOITRE, A., C. THEODORAKI, V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "An institutional perspective on entrepreneurial support organizations’ outcomes and sponsors in entrepreneurial ecosystems" in EURAM, 2023, Dublin, Ireland
HAJIYEV, R., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "Role of collaborative public management and disruptions in the complex products and systems industries in space and the renewable energy sectors" in EU-SPRI, 2023, Falmer, Great Britain
HAJIYEV, R., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "Role of collaborative public management and disruptions in the complex products and systems industries in space and the renewable energy sectors" in CREET, 2023, Ottawa, Canada
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Le New Space : Ruptures et transformations de l'écosystème spatial" in DTA 22, Disruptive Technologies and Sustainability, Atelier Espace Paris, 04 juillet, 2022
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "How government customers delay the diffusion of strategic technology products: the case of commercial satellites 1960 to 2018" in EU-SPRI 2022 Conference, Utrecht, Pays Bas, 01-03 juin, 2022
CLOITRE, A., C. THEODORAKI, V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "Entrepreneurial support organizations in the quadruple/quintuple helix model: an institutional perspective on socio-environmental issues" in Innodays, 2022, Casablanca, Morocco
CLOITRE, A., C. THEODORAKI, V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "The role of entrepreneurial support organizations in the Quadruple/Quintuple Helix model" in RENT Conference, 2022, Napoli, Italy
CLOITRE, A., C. THEODORAKI, V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "The role of entrepreneurial support organizations in the Quadruple/Quintuple Helix model: An institutional perspective on socio-environmental issues" in CIFPME, 2022, Lyon, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Innovators hinder the technology adoption by early adopters: the case of space industry" in Conférence Abbé Grégoire Innovation days, Paris, 3-4/04/2018, 2018
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Existing adopters hinder the growth of markets: the case of satellites." in Congrès RRI, Nimes, 4-5/06/2018, 2018
GENTILUCCI, E., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, D. LACOSTE, "Stratégies des firmes en place suite à l’introduction d’innovations radicales : le cas du secteur spatial" in 2ème journée de l'innovation Abbé Grégoire, CNAM, 2017
PEREZ, L., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, J. CAMBRA-FIERRO, "Taking advantage of disruptive innovations in the space sector" in Conférence ISPIM, 19-22/06/2016, 2016, Porto, Portugal
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "A demand-based view of industry evolution: the case of the space industry (1957-2011)" in Conférence ABH-GUG, May, 2016, Berlin, Germany
LE HIR, G., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, A. MARTIN, "Are European space firms facing an innovator's dilemma?" in Conférence ISPIM, 2015, Budapest, Hungary
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Innovators hinder the technology adoption by early adopters: the case of space industry" in Forum Innovation VI - Crise, Innovation et Transition, 2014
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Dynamiques d'innovation dans l'industrie spatiale mondiale de 1987 à 2009" in Séminaire "Management de l'innovation : des concepts au terrain. Regards croisés entre recherche et acteurs industriels", September, 2011, Toulouse, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Influence of risk on innovation : inertia strategies in the space industry" in DRUID, 2011, Copenhague, Denmark
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Influence of risk management on innovation management: inertia strategies in space industry" in Les Nouvelles Approches de l'Innovation, 2010, Salon de Provence, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Influence of risk management on innovation management: inertia strategies in the space industry" in Toulouse Space Show' 10, 2010, Toulouse, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., M. CALLOIS, "Innovation and reliability strategies in the military, space and semiconductor industries: a comparative analysis" in DRUID Summer conference, 2009, Copenhague, Denmark
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., Innovation Trends in the Space Industry, ISTE Ltd, John Wiley and Sons, 2020
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., Trajectoires d’innovation dans l’industrie spatiale, ISTE editions, 2020
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "L’Espace d’innovations: De la NASA à Jeff Bezos" in Géopolitique des crises économiques: Mondes et merveilles., Vanessa Casadella & Dimitri Uzunidis Ed., Editions Le Manuscrit Savoirs, pp. 231–236, 2024
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., C. BENAROYA, "Les ailes brûlées d’Icare : l’aéronautique face à la crise sanitaire" in Crise pandémique. Dangers et opportunités d’innovations; Itinérances en période trouble (2020-2021)., Laurent Adatto & Dimitri Uzunidis Ed., Editions Le Manuscrit Savoirs, 2022
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., J.-F. GENESTE, T. LASISZ, M.-C. LEJARD, E. DE L’ESTOILE, J.-B. RUDELLE, "Stratégies industrielles et économiques" in L’ambition lunaire : défi stratégique pour l’Europe du XXI° siècle - Livre blanc d'objectif lune., A. Guyomarc’h & C. Angelier (Eds.) Ed., ANRT, chap. 5, pp. 93-106, 2022
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "À propos... Le projet spatial européen, entre pragmatisme et imagination", Innovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation, 2020, vol. N°63, no. 3, pp. 217-218 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 3]
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "À propos....Le projet spatial européen, entre pragmatisme et imagination" - 2020, Innovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation [cnrs: 4, fnege: 3]
MONNERIE, S., S. GORIA, V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO - "Comptes rendus : Management de l’innovation et trajectoires d’évolution de l’industrie spatiale" - 2020, Marché et organisations
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., C. BENAROYA - "Boeing : de la finance hors sol à l’atterrissage périlleux" - 2024, Alternatives Economiques
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., A. LÔ, C. THEODORAKI - "Innovation : et si vous faisiez le pari d’une organisation semi-formelle ?" - 2024, The Conversation, France
CLOITRE, A., C. THEODORAKI, V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO - "Industrie spatiale : comment réguler le « New space » ?" - 2023, The Conversation, France
PULSIRI, N., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO - "How can we make the space sector more sustainable?" - 2023, The Conversation, France
PULSIRI, N., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO - "Comment les activités spatiales peuvent-elles évoluer vers plus de durabilité ?" - 2023, The Conversation, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., C. BENAROYA - "Les ailes brûlées d'Icare : l'aéronautique face à la crise sanitaire" - 2021, Alternatives Economiques
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "L’espace de Thomas Pesquet : illustration d’un basculement dans les relations public-privé" - 2021, Alternatives Economiques
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., N. TAHRI - "Qu'est-ce que freine l'innovation en France ?" - 2019, TBSearch
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "L’Espace d’innovations : de la NASA à Jeff Bezos" - 2019, TBSearch
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "Innovation de rupture et acteurs historiques : le cas de l’industrie des satellites" - 2017, TBSearch
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "Le secteur spatial, un domaine innovant mais toujours sur la réserve." - 2017, Tbscope
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "Innovation : la prudence comme atout stratégique" - 2016, TBSearch
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "Comment innover dans le marketing de la santé et de l'alimentation ?" - 2016, Grandes Ecoles et Universités Magazine
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V. - "Innovation: when prudence is the right strategy" - 2014, TBSearch, Toulouse
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Table ronde – économie du spatial" Présenté à Universpace. 2022, Toulouse, France
PULSIRI, N., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "(2022, November 22). The Pathway Towards Sustainable Space: The Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review" INVITED UNIVERSEH LECTURES. 2022, Toulouse, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., P. BARBAROUX, "A demand-based view of the long-term dynamics of the spacecraft industry (1957-2011)" Next Space 2021 - Next Space in Europe: Strategic, Economic, and Technological Stakes and Challenges. 2021, Saint-MĂ©dard en Jalles, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., S. V. VIDAR GUDMUNDSSON, "How government customers delay the diffusion of strategic technology products. The case of commercial satellites 1960 to 2018." Next Space 2021: Which Economic Models and Regulatory Frameworks for Next Space?. 2021, Saint-MĂ©dard en Jalles, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., S. V. VIDAR GUDMUNDSSON, "How government customers delay the diffusion of strategic technology products. The case of commercial satellites 1960 to 2018." The Economic Effects of the Air and Aerospace Sector in Italy and Europe, 13. 2021, Bari, Italy
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Emergence of High technology markets: the case of space business" In 2nd TREASURE workshop: A response to user needs in PPP and RTK (p. 16). 2019, Toulouse, France
JANSOU, E., V. DOS SANTOS PAULINO, "Brainstorming session on business models for GNSS" In TREASURE Workshop 2nd: SB Meeting (p. 7). 2019, Toulouse, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Un nouveau souffle pour l’industrie spatiale (modèle, opportunités et menaces)" Les Matinales de la recherche. October 2017, Toulouse
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., E. GENTILUCCI, D. LACOSTE, "How to disrupt the disruptors?" Workshop on Space, Business and Law, Toulouse. 2017
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Les petits satellites : un nouveau défi pour l’industrie spatiale ? Approche : management stratégique" In Parole d’Expert - Thales Alenia Space (p. 21). 2017, Toulouse, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "6èmes Rencontres "Droit et Espace": "Petits satellites: La miniaturisation des satellites est-elle une innovation de rupture?"" 6èmes Rencontres "Droit et Espace". September 2015, Toulouse, France
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., C. GAUBERT, F. GECHTER, P.-A. JOUMEL, F. LOIRE, P. LOGNONNÉ, G. RABIN, L. RAPP, E. VIAU, "Fertilisation croisée spatial/non-spatial: Un axe stratégique majeur pour un avenir commun terre-espace le cas de l’exploration lunaire à venir - ANRT, Groupe Objectif Lune", Clarisse Angelier, Ed., 2023
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Rapport d’activités Chaire SIRIUS Septembre 2019 - Août 2020", 2020
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., A. DONALD, "Rapport d’activité Chaire SIRIUS Septembre 2018 - Août 2019", 2019
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., L. DIARRA, "Rapport d’activité Chaire SIRIUS Janvier-Août 2018", 2018
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., L. DIARRA, "Rapport d’activité Chaire SIRIUS Janvier-Décembre 2017", 2017
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., "Rapport d’activité Chaire SIRIUS Janvier-Décembre 2016", 2016
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