
  • 2011 : European PhD. Mention of the Doctoral Thesis - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Bellaterra
  • 2010 : PhD in Entrepreneurship and Management - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Bellaterra
  • 2007 : Master in Research in Entrepreneurship and Management and Advanced Studies Diploma in Firm’s Internationalisation and Innovation Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Bellaterra
  • 2004 : Bachelor in Firm's Management - Académie d'Etudes Economiques de Bucharest - Bucharest

Teaching Experience

  • Since 2014 : Professor of Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • From 2010 to 2013 : Professor of International Business & International Marketing Strategies, Doing Business in Emerging Markets and Strategic Management of the Firm - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Bellaterra
  • From 2008 to 2008 : Visiting Professor of Strategic Marketing of Centre for Internationalisation & Enterprise Research - University of Glasgow - Glasgow
  • From 2007 to 2009 : Adjunct Professor - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Bellaterra

Management Duties

  • 2020 : Head of MSc International Business Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2019 - 2020 : International Business Professional track co - supervisor Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2016 : Head of MS/MSc "International Business Major" - Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • 2009 - 2011 : Vice-coordinator of the International Master in Business Management - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Bellaterra
  • 2009 - 2011 : Academic Coordinator of MBA delivered jointly by the Higher Institute of Business Administration (Damascus, Syria) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Bellaterra
    • JIMÉNEZ‐ASENJO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, L. CURRAN, "Unpacking Stimuli and Barriers to Internationalization Across Export Stages: The Case of Spanish Wine Firms in China", Thunderbird International Business Review, 2024 [fnege: 4, abs: 2]

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    • HU, L., D. A. FILIPESCU, A. PERGELOVA, "Understanding SMEs’ internationalization through digital platforms: the role of knowledge sharing and consumer education", International Marketing Review, 2024 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • JIMÉNEZ-ASENJO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Cheers in China! International marketing strategies of Spanish wine exporters", International Business Review, 2019, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 647-659 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • FILIPESCU, D. A., S. PRASHANTHAM, A. RIALP, J. RIALP, "Technological Innovation and Exports: Unpacking their reciprocal causality", Journal of International Marketing, 2013, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 23-38 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]

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    • FILIPESCU, D. A., "Unveiling the Global Impact of Digital Transformation on Competitive Strategies and International Business Dynamics”" in ASAC Congress, 28/05/2024, Montréal, 2024

    • HU, L., D. A. FILIPESCU, A. PERGELOVA, "Understanding firms’ internationalization through Chinese digital ecosystems and Guanxi networks" in Academy of Marketing, July 3-6, 2023, Birmingham, Great Britain

    • HU, L., D. A. FILIPESCU, A. PERGELOVA, "Understanding firms’ internationalization through Chinese digital ecosystems and Guanxi networks" in Conference: Virtual Event "IMxDIGITAL” International Perspectives on Digital Platforms & Ecosystems, Special Issue in “International Marketing Review” , April 20, 2023, Online

    • ENGSIG, J., A. BREUILLOT, D. A. FILIPESCU, J. PALACIOS FERNANDEZ, "International market selection after entry-stage and entrepreneurs’ psychic distance’s perception: Evidence from French Early Internationalizing Firms" in EIBA, 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal

    • MOUMNI, I., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Collaborative Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals in Fast Furniture Industry: Exploring the Role of Multinational Enterprises and Nongovernmental Organizations Partnerships" in EIBA, 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal


    • JIMENEZ-ASENJO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Scrutinising Spanish wine firms: An integrated view of their internationalization process" in XXXI Congress of ACEDE, June 19-21, 2022, Barcelone

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    • RUP- PEDOUSSAT, T., D. A. FILIPESCU, "The green transition strategies in oil & gas companies" in EIBA Conference, December 8-10,, 2022, Oslo, Norway

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    • FILIPESCU, D. A., C. GONZALO-PENELA, N. JIMENEZ-ASENJO, "How has COVID-19 affected consumers’ behaviour towards bioeconomy? Comparison of Google searches in top consumption and production countries" in EIBA Conference, December 10-12,, 2020

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    • JIMÉNEZ ASENJO DE PEDRO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Export stimuli and barriers to entering China: Spanish export winery evidence" in 18th EURAM - European Academy of Management, Reykyavik, 20-23/06/2018, 2018, Reykyavik

    • JIMÉNEZ ASENJO DE PEDRO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Export stimuli and barriers to entering China: Evidences of Spanish wineries from DO cava" in 23rd EBES Conference – Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Madrid, 27-29/09/17, 2017, Madrid

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    • CRUZ-CÁZARES, C., D. A. FILIPESCU, D. LACOSTE, "The role of international knowledge in the technological innovation efficiency" in XXVII Congress of ACEDE, Aranjuez, 18-20/06/17, 2017

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    • FILIPESCU, D. A., N. JIMÉNEZ ASENJO DE PEDRO, "Cheers in China! International marketing policies of Catalan cava" in XXVII Congress of ACEDE , Aranjuez, 18-20/06/17, 2017

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    • CRUZ CAZARES, C., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Measuring the effects of internationalization on technological innovation" in DRUID Society Conference, Copenhague, 16-18/06/14, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark

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    • FILIPESCU, D. A., C. CRUZ-CÁZARES, "Efficiency in the Spanish hotel industry: A focus on family firms" in XXII Congress of ACEDE, Cadiz, Spain, 2012

    • FILIPESCU, D. A., C. CRUZ-CÁZARES, "Efficiency in family business versus non-family business: A DEA approach" in AEDEM – European Academy of Management and Business Economics, Barcelona, 2012

    • MONGAY, J., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Are corruption and ease of doing business correlated? An analysis of 172 nations" in AIB, 2011, Edinburgh, Great Britain

    • RUP- PEDOUSSAT, T., D. A. FILIPESCU, "The green transition strategies in oil & gas companies", Ed., EIBAzine International Business Perspectives, chap. Issue 33/ Autumn-Winter, pp. 10-13, 2023

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    • JIMÉNEZ-ASENJO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "SCRUTINISING SPANISH WINE FIRMS: AN INTEGRATED VIEW OF THEIR INTERNATIONALISATION PROCESS" in Humanidades e Ciências Sociais: Perspectivas Teóricas, Metodológicas e de Investigação III., Luis Fernando González-Beltrán Ed., Editora Artemis, vol. 3, pp. 161-197, 2023

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    • FILIPESCU, D. A., C. GONZALO-PENELA, N. JIMÉNEZ-ASENJO, "Cheers in UK: How Visible Are Spanish Sparkling Wines on" in Promotion and Marketing Communications., Ed., InTech, 2019

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    • FILIPESCU, D. A., C. CRUZ CAZARES, "Determinants and Consequences of R&D Strategy Selection" in Technological, Managerial and Organizational Core Competencies: Dynamic Innovation and Sustainable Development., Farley Simon Nobre, David Walker and Robert Harris Eds, pp. 428-449, 2012

    • FILIPESCU, D. A., J. MONGAY, "Are corruption and ease of doing business correlated? An analysis of 172 nations" in New Challenges, New Forms, New Perspectives, Palgrave MacMillan,., Harris, S., Kuivalainen, O. & Stoyanova, V. Eds, Editions International business, pp. 13-26, 2012

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    • FILIPESCU, D. A., A. RIALP, J. RIALP, "Internationalisation and technological innovation: Empirical evidence on their mutual relationship" in New Challenges to International Marketing (Advances in International Marketing, Volume 20),., Sinkovics, R. R. & Ghauri, P.N. Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 125-154, 2009

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "La ambidestreza de la empresa familiar" - 2022, Mundo Empresarial, Spain

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Conocimiento intensivo de mercado" - 2020, Mundo Empresarial, Spain

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Internacionalización (1): análisis interno de la empresa" - 2019, Mundo Empresarial, Spain

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Internacionalización (2): el impulso de las ferias internacionales" - 2019, Mundo Empresarial, Spain

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Innovación tecnológica e internacionalización" - 2019, Economía de hoy, Spain

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Orientación a segmentos de mercado" - 2018, Manutención y almacenaje, Spain

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Beneficios e inconvenientes de la multilocalización" - 2017, El Economista 

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "La multilocalización en los mercados internacionales" - 2017, Manutención y almacenaje

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Definiendo la forma de entrar en el mercado internacional" - 2017, Manutención y almacenaje

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Claves de internacionalización: como entrar de forma adecuada en el mercado" - 2017, Manutención y almacenaje

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Minimizar riesgos al internacionalizar" - 2016, Manutención y almacenaje

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Ferias internacionales, clave en la salida al exterior de la empresa" - 2016, El Economista 

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Ferias internacionales, herramienta eficiente de internacionalización" - 2016, Manutención y almacenaje

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    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Conocimiento intensivo de mercado, clave de la internacionalización" - 2016, El Economista 

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Conocimiento intensivo de mercado, clave de la internacionalización" - 2016, Manutención y almacenaje

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Conocimiento a fondo del cliente objetivos" - 2016, Manutención y almacenaje

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Claves para el éxito de la internacionalización" - 2015, El Economista 

    • FILIPESCU, D. A. - "El éxito de la internacionalización de las empresas en 10 claves" - 2015, Manutención y almacenaje

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    • 2009 Pre-Doctoral Research Grant - Agency for Management of University and Research Grants of the Catalan Government
    • 2008 Pre-Doctoral Research Grant University of Glasgow
    • 2006 Mobility Grant within Doctoral Programmes with Quality Mention - Ministry of Education and Science, Spain
    • 2003 Special Award at the Scientific Research Session, for the Project: "The Use of @RISK System for Risk Analysis throughout Simulation" Académie d'Etudes Economiques de Bucharest
    • Marketing
    • International Marketing
    • International Business
    • Doing Business in Emerging Markets
    • Strategic Management of the Firm
    • International Business
    • Marketing International
    • Innovation
    • Innovation Efficiency
    • Family Firms
    • Marchés émergents
      • 2002 - 2003 : Marketing Department Assistant - Babel Communications - Bucharest
      • 2002 - 2002 : Marketing Department Assistant - Romferchim S.A. - Bucharest
      • 2001 - 2001 : Marketing Department Assistant - Teleuniversitatea TV - Craiova

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