FILIPESCU Diana Andreea
Department: Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- 2011 : European PhD. Mention of the Doctoral Thesis - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Bellaterra
- 2010 : PhD in Entrepreneurship and Management - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Bellaterra
- 2007 : Master in Research in Entrepreneurship and Management and Advanced Studies Diploma in Firm’s Internationalisation and Innovation Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Bellaterra
- 2004 : Bachelor in Firm's Management - Académie d'Etudes Economiques de Bucharest - Bucharest
Teaching Experience
- Since 2014 : Professor of Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Toulouse Business School Toulouse
- From 2010 to 2013 : Professor of International Business & International Marketing Strategies, Doing Business in Emerging Markets and Strategic Management of the Firm - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Bellaterra
- From 2008 to 2008 : Visiting Professor of Strategic Marketing of Centre for Internationalisation & Enterprise Research - University of Glasgow - Glasgow
- From 2007 to 2009 : Adjunct Professor - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Bellaterra
Management Duties
- 2020 : Head of MSc International Business Toulouse Business School Toulouse
- 2019 - 2020 : International Business Professional track co - supervisor Toulouse Business School Toulouse
- 2016 : Head of MS/MSc "International Business Major" - Toulouse Business School Toulouse
- 2009 - 2011 : Vice-coordinator of the International Master in Business Management - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Bellaterra
- 2009 - 2011 : Academic Coordinator of MBA delivered jointly by the Higher Institute of Business Administration (Damascus, Syria) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Bellaterra
JIMÉNEZ‐ASENJO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, L. CURRAN, "Unpacking Stimuli and Barriers to Internationalization Across Export Stages: The Case of Spanish Wine Firms in China", Thunderbird International Business Review, 2024 [fnege: 4, abs: 2]
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HU, L., D. A. FILIPESCU, A. PERGELOVA, "Understanding SMEs’ internationalization through digital platforms: the role of knowledge sharing and consumer education", International Marketing Review, 2024 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
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JIMÉNEZ-ASENJO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Cheers in China! International marketing strategies of Spanish wine exporters", International Business Review, 2019, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 647-659 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
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FILIPESCU, D. A., S. PRASHANTHAM, A. RIALP, J. RIALP, "Technological Innovation and Exports: Unpacking their reciprocal causality", Journal of International Marketing, 2013, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 23-38 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]
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FILIPESCU, D. A., "Unveiling the Global Impact of Digital Transformation on Competitive Strategies and International Business Dynamics”" in ASAC Congress, 28/05/2024, Montréal, 2024
HU, L., D. A. FILIPESCU, A. PERGELOVA, "Understanding firms’ internationalization through Chinese digital ecosystems and Guanxi networks" in Academy of Marketing, July 3-6, 2023, Birmingham, Great Britain
HU, L., D. A. FILIPESCU, A. PERGELOVA, "Understanding firms’ internationalization through Chinese digital ecosystems and Guanxi networks" in Conference: Virtual Event "IMxDIGITAL” International Perspectives on Digital Platforms & Ecosystems, Special Issue in “International Marketing Review” , April 20, 2023, Online
ENGSIG, J., A. BREUILLOT, D. A. FILIPESCU, J. PALACIOS FERNANDEZ, "International market selection after entry-stage and entrepreneurs’ psychic distance’s perception: Evidence from French Early Internationalizing Firms" in EIBA, 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal
MOUMNI, I., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Collaborative Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals in Fast Furniture Industry: Exploring the Role of Multinational Enterprises and Nongovernmental Organizations Partnerships" in EIBA, 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal
JIMENEZ-ASENJO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Scrutinising Spanish wine firms: An integrated view of their internationalization process" in XXXI Congress of ACEDE, June 19-21, 2022, Barcelone
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RUP- PEDOUSSAT, T., D. A. FILIPESCU, "The green transition strategies in oil & gas companies" in EIBA Conference, December 8-10,, 2022, Oslo, Norway
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FILIPESCU, D. A., C. GONZALO-PENELA, N. JIMENEZ-ASENJO, "How has COVID-19 affected consumers’ behaviour towards bioeconomy? Comparison of Google searches in top consumption and production countries" in EIBA Conference, December 10-12,, 2020
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JIMÉNEZ ASENJO DE PEDRO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Export stimuli and barriers to entering China: Spanish export winery evidence" in 18th EURAM - European Academy of Management, Reykyavik, 20-23/06/2018, 2018, Reykyavik
JIMÉNEZ ASENJO DE PEDRO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Export stimuli and barriers to entering China: Evidences of Spanish wineries from DO cava" in 23rd EBES Conference – Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Madrid, 27-29/09/17, 2017, Madrid
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CRUZ-CÁZARES, C., D. A. FILIPESCU, D. LACOSTE, "The role of international knowledge in the technological innovation efficiency" in XXVII Congress of ACEDE, Aranjuez, 18-20/06/17, 2017
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FILIPESCU, D. A., N. JIMÉNEZ ASENJO DE PEDRO, "Cheers in China! International marketing policies of Catalan cava" in XXVII Congress of ACEDE , Aranjuez, 18-20/06/17, 2017
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CRUZ CAZARES, C., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Measuring the effects of internationalization on technological innovation" in DRUID Society Conference, Copenhague, 16-18/06/14, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark
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FILIPESCU, D. A., C. CRUZ-CÁZARES, "Efficiency in the Spanish hotel industry: A focus on family firms" in XXII Congress of ACEDE, Cadiz, Spain, 2012
FILIPESCU, D. A., C. CRUZ-CÁZARES, "Efficiency in family business versus non-family business: A DEA approach" in AEDEM – European Academy of Management and Business Economics, Barcelona, 2012
MONGAY, J., D. A. FILIPESCU, "Are corruption and ease of doing business correlated? An analysis of 172 nations" in AIB, 2011, Edinburgh, Great Britain
RUP- PEDOUSSAT, T., D. A. FILIPESCU, "The green transition strategies in oil & gas companies", Ed., EIBAzine International Business Perspectives, chap. Issue 33/ Autumn-Winter, pp. 10-13, 2023
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JIMÉNEZ-ASENJO, N., D. A. FILIPESCU, "SCRUTINISING SPANISH WINE FIRMS: AN INTEGRATED VIEW OF THEIR INTERNATIONALISATION PROCESS" in Humanidades e Ciências Sociais: Perspectivas Teóricas, Metodológicas e de Investigação III., Luis Fernando González-Beltrán Ed., Editora Artemis, vol. 3, pp. 161-197, 2023
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FILIPESCU, D. A., C. GONZALO-PENELA, N. JIMÉNEZ-ASENJO, "Cheers in UK: How Visible Are Spanish Sparkling Wines on" in Promotion and Marketing Communications., Ed., InTech, 2019
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FILIPESCU, D. A., C. CRUZ CAZARES, "Determinants and Consequences of R&D Strategy Selection" in Technological, Managerial and Organizational Core Competencies: Dynamic Innovation and Sustainable Development., Farley Simon Nobre, David Walker and Robert Harris Eds, pp. 428-449, 2012
FILIPESCU, D. A., J. MONGAY, "Are corruption and ease of doing business correlated? An analysis of 172 nations" in New Challenges, New Forms, New Perspectives, Palgrave MacMillan,., Harris, S., Kuivalainen, O. & Stoyanova, V. Eds, Editions International business, pp. 13-26, 2012
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FILIPESCU, D. A., A. RIALP, J. RIALP, "Internationalisation and technological innovation: Empirical evidence on their mutual relationship" in New Challenges to International Marketing (Advances in International Marketing, Volume 20),., Sinkovics, R. R. & Ghauri, P.N. Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 125-154, 2009
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "La ambidestreza de la empresa familiar" - 2022, Mundo Empresarial, Spain
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Conocimiento intensivo de mercado" - 2020, Mundo Empresarial, Spain
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Internacionalización (1): análisis interno de la empresa" - 2019, Mundo Empresarial, Spain
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Internacionalización (2): el impulso de las ferias internacionales" - 2019, Mundo Empresarial, Spain
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Innovación tecnológica e internacionalización" - 2019, Economía de hoy, Spain
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Orientación a segmentos de mercado" - 2018, Manutención y almacenaje, Spain
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Beneficios e inconvenientes de la multilocalización" - 2017, El Economista
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "La multilocalización en los mercados internacionales" - 2017, Manutención y almacenaje
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Definiendo la forma de entrar en el mercado internacional" - 2017, Manutención y almacenaje
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Claves de internacionalización: como entrar de forma adecuada en el mercado" - 2017, Manutención y almacenaje
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Minimizar riesgos al internacionalizar" - 2016, Manutención y almacenaje
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Ferias internacionales, clave en la salida al exterior de la empresa" - 2016, El Economista
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Ferias internacionales, herramienta eficiente de internacionalización" - 2016, Manutención y almacenaje
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FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Conocimiento intensivo de mercado, clave de la internacionalización" - 2016, El Economista
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Conocimiento intensivo de mercado, clave de la internacionalización" - 2016, Manutención y almacenaje
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Conocimiento a fondo del cliente objetivos" - 2016, Manutención y almacenaje
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "Claves para el éxito de la internacionalización" - 2015, El Economista
FILIPESCU, D. A. - "El éxito de la internacionalización de las empresas en 10 claves" - 2015, Manutención y almacenaje
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- 2009 Pre-Doctoral Research Grant - Agency for Management of University and Research Grants of the Catalan Government
- 2008 Pre-Doctoral Research Grant University of Glasgow
- 2006 Mobility Grant within Doctoral Programmes with Quality Mention - Ministry of Education and Science, Spain
- 2003 Special Award at the Scientific Research Session, for the Project: "The Use of @RISK System for Risk Analysis throughout Simulation" Académie d'Etudes Economiques de Bucharest
- Marketing
- International Marketing
- International Business
- Doing Business in Emerging Markets
- Strategic Management of the Firm
- International Business
- Marketing International
- Innovation
- Innovation Efficiency
- Family Firms
- Marchés émergents
- 2002 - 2003 : Marketing Department Assistant - Babel Communications - Bucharest
- 2002 - 2002 : Marketing Department Assistant - Romferchim S.A. - Bucharest
- 2001 - 2001 : Marketing Department Assistant - Teleuniversitatea TV - Craiova