Department: Management Control, Accounting and Auditing
Assistant Professor
SOROLA, M., R. JABOT, M. POSTAIRE, "Reflecting on the Critical Dialogic Accounting and Accountability Conference", Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 2024, pp. 1-21 [abs: 1]
ALCOUFFE, S., M. BOITIER, R. JABOT, "An integrated literature review on the adoption and diffusion of multicapital accounting innovations", Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 2024 [fnege: 3, abs: 2]
JABOT, R., "For an accounting translation of the Anthropocene: fuelling the debate on planetary boundaries", Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 2022 [fnege: 3, abs: 2]
JABOT, R., M. RODRIGUE, S. ALCOUFFE, "The carbon footprint isn't really taken into account in all of this": Exploring the affective power of carbon accounting" in CFRCCI, 2023, Toulouse
JABOT, R., M. RODRIGUE, S. ALCOUFFE, "The carbon footprint isn't really taken into account in all of this": Exploring the affective power of carbon accounting"" in CSEAR FR, 2023, Montpellier
ALCOUFFE, S., R. JABOT, M. RODRIGUE, "The carbon footprint isn't really taken into account in all of this": Exploring the affective power of carbon accounting" in CSEAR UK, 2023, St Andrews (Scotland)
JABOT, R., "For an accounting translation of the Anthropocene: Fuelling the debate on planetary boundaries" in Conférence Anthropocène & Management, Toulouse, 8-9 novembre, 2022
JABOT, R., "Carbon Accounting practices: the case of a French SME" in 40th French Accounting Association Congress, Paris, Mai, 2019
JABOT, R., "SME and sustainability accounting practices" in French Accounting Association Doctoral Workshop, Paris, 2019
JABOT, R., "How is created a new SEA tool for SMEs?" in 5th CSEAR France, Paris, 3-4 Juin, 2019
JABOT, R., "Carbon-Accounting-as-Practice: the case of a French SME" in 30th international CSEAR Conference, St Andrew, Scotland, 2018
JABOT, R., "The role of affect in Carbon Accounting : the case of a French SME" in 4th CSEAR France, Toulouse, Mai, 2017
JABOT, R., "PME et comptabilité carbone : une lecture selon la théorie des pratiques" in Comptabilité, Contrôle et Audit : Perspectives de recherche au-delà des sentiers battus., Wafa KHLIF et Simon ALCOUFFE Ed., L'Harmattan, 2023
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