Department: Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Associate Professor
DEY, P., A. LÔ, P. FATIEN, "Collaborative spaces as places-of-entrepreneuring: A phenomenological investigation of entrepreneurs’ place-making experiences and practices", Human Relations, 2025, pp. 1-38 [fnege: 1, ft, abs: 4]
LÔ, A., M. GEIGER, "Managing internal embeddedness in multinational corporations’ R&D subsidiaries: An evolutionary perspective on the automotive industry in Silicon Valley", Technovation, 2022, vol. 113, pp. 1-14 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
LÔ, A., P. FATIEN DIOCHON, "Rethinking contextual ambidexterity through parallel structures", R&D Management, 2020, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 522-534 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
LÔ, A., C. THEODORAKI, "Achieving Interorganizational Ambidexterity Through a Nested Entrepreneurial Ecosystem", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2020, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 418-429 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
LÔ, A., P. FATIEN DIOCHON, "Unsilencing power dynamics within third spaces. The case of Renault’s Fab Lab", Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2019, vol. 35, Issue 2, no. 2, pp. 1-9 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]
LÔ, A., "Un FabLab d’entreprise pour favoriser l’ambidextrie des salariés", Revue Française de Gestion, 2017, vol. 43, no. 264, pp. 81-99 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 2]
LÔ, A., K. SACÉPÉ, "Innovation Labs 2037 : back to the future !", Entreprendre & Innover, 2017, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 62-69 [fnege: 4]
LÔ, A., "How urgency enables inter-organizational responses to grand challenges" in Conférence AIMS, 02/06/2024, Montréal, 2024
LÔ, A., "Constructing Collaborative Spaces: An Ethnography of Entrepreneurial Place-Making" in Conférence AOM, 09/08/2024, Chicago, 2024
LÔ, A., "The Impact of Urgency on Collaborative Responses to Grand Challenges" in Conférence ICIM, novembre, 2024, Dubaï
LÔ, A., E. M. LAVIOLETTE, "Fab Region: The making of a Territorial Innovation Model based on Fab Labs " in 3rd RGCS Symposium, Barcelone, 14 janvier, 2019
GNEKPE, C., A. LÔ, "Top manager’s Human capital and the innovation of young business in Sub-Saharan Africa" in XXVIII ème Conférence AIMS, Dakar, 10-14 juin, 2019
LÔ, A., M. GEIGER, "MNC R&D Subsidiaries: Unveiling the Processes of Dual Embeddedness Evolution" in Academy of Management Proceedings, août, 2019, Boston
LÔ, A., "The meaning of walls: Unsilencing empowerment within third spaces. The case of Renault’s Fab Lab" in XXVII Conférence AIMS, Montpellier, 6-8/06/18, 2018
LÔ, A., P. FATIEN DIOCHON, "Liminality and the (in)visibility of entrepreneurship: Unveiling an “in-between” process though the open collaborative space Le Square" in 34th EGOS Colloquium 2018, Tallinn, Estonie, 05-07/07/18, 2018
LÔ, A., "Rethinking Contextual Ambidexterity through Parallel Structures: The Case of Renault's Fab Lab" in Conférence AOM, Chicago USA, 12-14/08/18, 2018
LÔ, A., P. FATIEN, "Third spaces and empowerment: The transgression of standardized innovation processes at Renault’s Fab Lab" in European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) 33rd Colloquium, Copenhagen, Netherland July 7-9, 2017, Copenhague
LÔ, A., "De quoi les nouveaux espaces d’innovation en entreprise sont-ils le nom ? Le cas du Fab Lab du groupe Renault" in XXVI Conférence AIMS, Lyon, 7-9 juin, Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, 2017, Lyon
LÔ, A., "Rethinking contextual ambidexterity through parallel structures: The case of Renault’s Fab Lab" in Western Academy of Management Conference (WAM), Palm Springs - USA, March 23rd-25th., Western Academy of Management Conference (WAM), 2017
LÔ, A., "Open Lab: Exploring Managerial Challenges of a Hybrid Open Innovation Intermediary" in World Open Innovation Conference, San Francisco - USA, December 15th-16th, World Open Innovation Conference, 2017, San-Francisco
LÔ, A., "Open Lab: Exploring Managerial Challenges of a Hybrid Open Innovation Intermediary" in World Open Innovation Conference, San Francisco, 15-16/12/2017, 2017
LÔ, A., P. FATIEN, "Corporate Fab Lab or the hacking of standardized innovation processes. The case of Renault." in 1st International Symposium of the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS), Paris, 16/12/2016, 2016
LÔ, A., "Reconsidérer l’intrapreneuriat pour réinventer les processus d’innovation" in 27e Congrès de l'AGRH, Strasbourg, 19-21 octobre, Association de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), 2016
LÔ, A., "Le Fab Lab interne peut-il réconcilier l’entreprise avec l’innovation de rupture ?" in XXVe Conférence de l’AIMS, Hammamet - Tunisie, 30 mai - 1er juin, Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, 2016
LÔ, A., "The development of contextual ambidexterity through a quasi-structure: exploratory case study of Renault’s corporate Fab Lab" in European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) 32nd Colloquium, Naples - Italy, July 7-9, Colloque EGOS, 2016
LÔ, A., "Une approche systémique de l'ambidextrie contextuelle" in XXIVe Conférence de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Paris, 3-5 juin, Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, 2015
LÔ, A., "Fab Lab en entreprise : proposition d'ancrage théorique" in XXIIIe Conférence de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Rennes, 26-28 mai, Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, 2014
LÔ, A., P. FATIEN DIOCHON, "A Spatio-Political Approach to Bootlegging: Empowerment Within Third Spaces" in Corporate Underground., Peter Augsdorfer Ed., WORLD SCIENTIFIC (EUROPE), chap. 7, pp. 211-218, 2022
LÔ, A., "L’intelligence collective, Les promesses du numérique" in Promesses / Questions Numériques 2013/2014., Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération, 2013
DOS SANTOS PAULINO, V., A. LÔ, C. THEODORAKI - "Innovation : et si vous faisiez le pari d’une organisation semi-formelle ?" - 2024, The Conversation, France
LÔ, A. - "A company Fab Lab to develop employee ambidexterity. Case study: Renault" - 2019, TBSearch
GNEKPE, C., J. FABBRI, A. LÔ, P. FATIEN DIOCHON, T. DAUDIGEOS - "Carnet de voyage : regards croisés sur les makers et l’entrepreneuriat au Sénégal" - 2019, The Conversation, France
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