
  • 2018 : PhD - Universität Hamburg - Hambourg
  • 2013 : Master of Science (MSc) Studies of Business Administration - Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - Bamberg

Teaching Experience

  • Since 2019 : Professor of Marketing Toulouse Business School Toulouse
  • From 2014 to 2018 : Assistant Lecturer for Marketing & Brand Management Universität Hamburg - Hambourg
    • DESVEAUD, K., T. MANDLER, M. EISEND, "A meta-model of customer brand loyalty and its antecedents", Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 176, pp. 114589 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • YUAN, R., Y. CHEN, T. MANDLER, "It takes two to tango: The role of interactivity in enhancing customer engagement on sharing economy platforms", Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 178 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • MANDLER, T., G. P. CZIEHSO, T. SCHAEFERS, A. KUPFER, A. MAFAEL, "This article is… Consumer reactions to unfinished teasers for digital content", Psychology and Marketing, 2024, pp. 1-15 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, T. KRÜGER, K. A. KIM, C. M. HAN, "Consumer animosity: the mitigating effect of perceived brand globalness", International Marketing Review, 2023, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 365-384 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, K. P. ZEUGNER-ROTH, "Are brands re-evaluated when consumers learn about brand origin misperceptions? Outcomes, processes, and contingent effects", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 164 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • ÖZSOMER, A., B. SIMONIN, T. MANDLER, "Marketing Agility in Subsidiaries: Market Orientation and Marketing Program Standardization as the ‘Twin Engines’ of Performance", Journal of International Marketing, 2022 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • ZEISSLER, J., T. MANDLER, J. KIM, "What Drives Royalty Rates in International Franchising?", Journal of International Marketing, 2022 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, C. M. HAN, "Brand credibility and marketplace globalization: The role of perceived brand globalness and localness", Journal of International Business Studies, 2021, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1559–1590 [cnrs: 1, fnege: 1, ft, abs: 4]

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    • CHEN, Y., T. MANDLER, L. MEYER-WAARDEN, "Three decades of research on loyalty programs: A literature review and future research agenda", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 124, pp. 179-197 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • BARBAROSSA, C., T. MANDLER, "EXPRESS: Not All Wrongdoers Are Equal in the Public Eye: A Moderated Mediation Model of Country Stereotypes, Condemning Emotions, and Retaliatory Intent in Corporate Crises", Journal of International Marketing, 2021, vol. 29, Issue 2, no. 2, pp. 26-44 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • MANDLER, T., B. SEZEN, J. CHEN, A. ÖZSOMER, "Performance consequences of marketing standardization/adaptation: A systematic literature review and future research agenda", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 125, pp. 416-435 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., T. MANDLER, "Me trying to talk about sustainability: Exploring the psychological and social implications of environmental threats through user-generated content", Ecological Economics, 2021, vol. 187, pp. 1-15 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]

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    • MANDLER, T., M. JOHNEN, J.-F. GRÄVE, "Can’t help falling in love? How brand luxury generates positive consumer affect in social media", Journal of Business Research, 2020, no. 120, pp. 330-342 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • MANDLER, T., "Beyond reach: an extended model of global brand effects", International Marketing Review, 2019, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 647-674 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • DIAMANTOPOULOS, A., V. DAVVETAS, F. BARTSCH, T. MANDLER, M. ARSLANAGIC-KALAJDZIC, M. EISEND, "On the Interplay Between Consumer Dispositions and Perceived Brand Globalness: Alternative Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Assessment", Journal of International Marketing, 2019, vol. 27(4), pp. 39-57 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • MANDLER, T., S. WON, K. KIM, "Consumers' cognitive and affective responses to brand origin misclassifications: Does confidence in brand origin identification matter?", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 80, pp. 197-209 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]

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    • MANDLER, T., "International Marketing Perspectives on Digital Platforms and Ecosystems" in AMA Conférence, 23/02/2024, Tampa, 2024

    • MANDLER, T., "The RISE of Digital Platforms" in AIB Conference, 02/07/2024, Séoul, 2024

    • MANDLER, T., "Bridging Continuity and Change: Global Marketing Challenges in Established and Emerging Perspectives" in AMA Global Marketing SIG, 24-26/05/2024, Verona, 2024

    • CHEN, Y., R. YUAN, T. MANDLER, "Better together: the role of interactivity in engaging sharing economy platform users" in GAMMA Global Marketing Conference, july, 2023, Seoul, South Korea

    • ZEISSLER, J., T. MANDLER, J. KIM, "What Drives Royalty Rates in International Franchising" in American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Conference, 2023, Nashville, United States of America

    • ÖZSOMER, A., B. SIMONIN, T. MANDLER, "Marketing Agility in Subsidiaries: Market Orientation and Marketing Program Standardization as the ‘Twin Engines’ of Performance," in American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Conference, 2023, Nashville, United States of America

    • MANDLER, T., B. SEZEN, A. BARRIOS FAJARDO, J. CHEN, "Voting with Your Wallet: On the Relationship between Political Ideology and Global Brand Performance" in GAMMA Global Marketing Conference, 2023, Seoul, South Korea

    • MANDLER, T., K. DESVEAUD, T. HAKKARAINEN, A. COLICEV, "Cross-National Spillover Effects of Corporate Social Irresponsibility on Brand Equity" in (AMA) Winter Conference, American Marketing Association, 2023, Nashville, United States of America

    • MANDLER, T., K. DESVEAUD, T. HAKKARAINEN, A. COLICEV, "Cross-National Spillover Effects of Corporate Social Irresponsibility on Brand Equity" in (EMAC), European Marketing Academy Conference, 2023, Odense, Denmark

    • MANDLER, T., "Consumer animosity: The mitigating effect of perceived brand globalness." in Conférence AMA 2022, Chania, Grèce 29/05-02/06, 2022

    • MANDLER, T., C. BARBAROSSA, "Not all wrongdoers are equal in the public’s eye. A moderated mediation model of country stereotypes, condemning emotions, and retaliatory intent in corporate crises" in Conférence EMAC (visio), 16-19-septembre, 2020

    • MANDLER, T., C. HAIDUK, T. SCHREINER, "On the Evolution of Pre-Release Consumer Buzz and New Product Success" in Conférence EMAC (visio), 16-19-septembre, 2020

    • MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, K. ZEUGNER-ROTH, "Revisiting Brand Origin Misperceptions: A Comprehensive Model with Mediating and Moderating Effects" in Conférence EMAC (visio), 16-19-septembre, 2020

    • HAIDUK, C., T. MANDLER, "Drivers of Pre-Release Consumer Buzz" in 10th Regional EMAC Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 25-27/09, 2019

    • MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, M. GATES, "Change in Mind, Change of Heart: A Cognitive Appraisal Theory Perspective on Brand Origin Misperceptions”" in AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, 20-23-mai-19, 2019

    • BARTSCH, F., T. MANDLER, K. ZEUGNER-ROTH, M. GATES, "Change in Mind, Change of Heart: A Cognitive Appraisal Theory Perspective on Brand Origin Misperceptions”" in Conférence EMAC, St Petersbourg Russie, 24-28 septembre, 2019

    • BARTSCH, F., T. MANDLER, "Global Brand Localness: A Three Country Investigation" in AMS World Marketing Congress, Porto, Portugal, 16-18/04, 2018

    • MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, C. M. HAN, "Marketplace Globalization and Shifting Brand Perceptions: The Role of Perceived Brand Globalness and Cultural Symbolism" in Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 26-29/07/, 2018

    • KLEIN, K., T. MANDLER, "Local Versus International Brands: Different Routes to Success?" in 2017 Summer AMA Conference, San Francisco, 04-07 août, 2017

    • BARTSCH, F., T. MANDLER, M. KIRCHHOFER, "The Differential Effect of Global Brand Origin: How Domestic-Global Brands Create Value" in 46th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Groningen, 23-26 mai, 2017

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    • MANDLER, T., "Beyond Reach: an Extended Model of Global Brand Effects" in AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Havana, Cuba, 6-8 avril, 2017

    • MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, V. DAVVETAS, "Hitting the Bull's Eye: Cultural Intelligence and Managers' Accuracy of Psychic Distance Estimations" in AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Havana, Cuba, 6-8 avril, 2017

    • MANDLER, T., "Beyond Reach: Disentangling the Global Brand Effect" in 45th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Oslo, 24-27/05, 2016

    • MANDLER, T., S. WON, K. KIM, "Does Dressing Foreign Really Pay Off? Exploring Consumers' Cognitive and Affective Responses to Brand Origin Misclassification" in 7th Regional Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Sarajevo, 14-16 sept., 2016

    • MANDLER, T., S. WON, K. KIM, "Does Dressing Foreign Really Pay Off? Consumers’ Cognitive and Affective Responses to Brand Origin Misperception" in 1st EMAC Research Camp, Vienna, 1-2/09, 2016

    • MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, "The Value of Consumer Dispositions as Moderators in Global Branding Research" in Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong, China, 21-24/07, 2016

    • MANDLER, T., C. BARBAROSSA - "Facebook, Volkswagen, Samsung… Comment les stéréotypes nationaux influent sur le pardon accordé aux entreprises fautives" - 2021, la Tribune

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    • 2018 AIB Best Conference Reviewer Award for outstanding reviews of research papers
    • 2017 Susan P. Douglas Award for the Best Conference Paper on International Marketing ("The Differential Effect of Global Brand Origin: How Domestic-Global Brands Create Value")
    • 2017 Best Reviewer Award for outstanding reviews of research papers University of Alabama
    • 2017 Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award for the Best Paper based on Doctoral Work ("Beyond Reach: An Extended Model of Global Brand Effects") University of Leeds
    • Branding
    • International Branding
    • Thesis Methodology
    • Applied Survey Research
    • Global Marketing
    • Digital Marketing
      • 2019 : Co-Founder Ryddle Hamburg
      • 2013 - 1994 : International Relations Hanyang University Seoul
      • 2012 - 2013 : Student Assistant (Marketing Intelligence) University of Bamberg Bamberg
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