Department: Marketing
Associate Professor
DESVEAUD, K., T. MANDLER, M. EISEND, "A meta-model of customer brand loyalty and its antecedents", Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 176, pp. 114589 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
YUAN, R., Y. CHEN, T. MANDLER, "It takes two to tango: The role of interactivity in enhancing customer engagement on sharing economy platforms", Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 178 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MANDLER, T., G. P. CZIEHSO, T. SCHAEFERS, A. KUPFER, A. MAFAEL, "This article is… Consumer reactions to unfinished teasers for digital content", Psychology and Marketing, 2024, pp. 1-15 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, T. KRÜGER, K. A. KIM, C. M. HAN, "Consumer animosity: the mitigating effect of perceived brand globalness", International Marketing Review, 2023, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 365-384 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, K. P. ZEUGNER-ROTH, "Are brands re-evaluated when consumers learn about brand origin misperceptions? Outcomes, processes, and contingent effects", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 164 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
ÖZSOMER, A., B. SIMONIN, T. MANDLER, "Marketing Agility in Subsidiaries: Market Orientation and Marketing Program Standardization as the ‘Twin Engines’ of Performance", Journal of International Marketing, 2022 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
ZEISSLER, J., T. MANDLER, J. KIM, "What Drives Royalty Rates in International Franchising?", Journal of International Marketing, 2022 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, C. M. HAN, "Brand credibility and marketplace globalization: The role of perceived brand globalness and localness", Journal of International Business Studies, 2021, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1559–1590 [cnrs: 1, fnege: 1, ft, abs: 4]
CHEN, Y., T. MANDLER, L. MEYER-WAARDEN, "Three decades of research on loyalty programs: A literature review and future research agenda", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 124, pp. 179-197 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BARBAROSSA, C., T. MANDLER, "EXPRESS: Not All Wrongdoers Are Equal in the Public Eye: A Moderated Mediation Model of Country Stereotypes, Condemning Emotions, and Retaliatory Intent in Corporate Crises", Journal of International Marketing, 2021, vol. 29, Issue 2, no. 2, pp. 26-44 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MANDLER, T., B. SEZEN, J. CHEN, A. ÖZSOMER, "Performance consequences of marketing standardization/adaptation: A systematic literature review and future research agenda", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 125, pp. 416-435 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
ELGAAIED-GAMBIER, L., T. MANDLER, "Me trying to talk about sustainability: Exploring the psychological and social implications of environmental threats through user-generated content", Ecological Economics, 2021, vol. 187, pp. 1-15 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
MANDLER, T., M. JOHNEN, J.-F. GRÄVE, "Can’t help falling in love? How brand luxury generates positive consumer affect in social media", Journal of Business Research, 2020, no. 120, pp. 330-342 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MANDLER, T., "Beyond reach: an extended model of global brand effects", International Marketing Review, 2019, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 647-674 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
DIAMANTOPOULOS, A., V. DAVVETAS, F. BARTSCH, T. MANDLER, M. ARSLANAGIC-KALAJDZIC, M. EISEND, "On the Interplay Between Consumer Dispositions and Perceived Brand Globalness: Alternative Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Assessment", Journal of International Marketing, 2019, vol. 27(4), pp. 39-57 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MANDLER, T., S. WON, K. KIM, "Consumers' cognitive and affective responses to brand origin misclassifications: Does confidence in brand origin identification matter?", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 80, pp. 197-209 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
MANDLER, T., "Identifying Innovative and High Impact Sustainable Marketing Research Directions for International Marketing Scholars" in AMA conference, février, 2025, Pheonix
MANDLER, T., "Identifying Innovative and High Impact Sustainable Marketing Research Directions for International Marketing Scholars" in AMA Conference, février, 2025, Phoenix
MANDLER, T., "International Marketing Perspectives on Digital Platforms and Ecosystems" in AMA Conférence, 23/02/2024, Tampa, 2024
MANDLER, T., "The RISE of Digital Platforms" in AIB Conference, 02/07/2024, Séoul, 2024
MANDLER, T., "Bridging Continuity and Change: Global Marketing Challenges in Established and Emerging Perspectives" in AMA Global Marketing SIG, 24-26/05/2024, Verona, 2024
CHEN, Y., R. YUAN, T. MANDLER, "Better together: the role of interactivity in engaging sharing economy platform users" in GAMMA Global Marketing Conference, july, 2023, Seoul, South Korea
ZEISSLER, J., T. MANDLER, J. KIM, "What Drives Royalty Rates in International Franchising" in American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Conference, 2023, Nashville, United States of America
ÖZSOMER, A., B. SIMONIN, T. MANDLER, "Marketing Agility in Subsidiaries: Market Orientation and Marketing Program Standardization as the ‘Twin Engines’ of Performance," in American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Conference, 2023, Nashville, United States of America
MANDLER, T., B. SEZEN, A. BARRIOS FAJARDO, J. CHEN, "Voting with Your Wallet: On the Relationship between Political Ideology and Global Brand Performance" in GAMMA Global Marketing Conference, 2023, Seoul, South Korea
MANDLER, T., K. DESVEAUD, T. HAKKARAINEN, A. COLICEV, "Cross-National Spillover Effects of Corporate Social Irresponsibility on Brand Equity" in (AMA) Winter Conference, American Marketing Association, 2023, Nashville, United States of America
MANDLER, T., K. DESVEAUD, T. HAKKARAINEN, A. COLICEV, "Cross-National Spillover Effects of Corporate Social Irresponsibility on Brand Equity" in (EMAC), European Marketing Academy Conference, 2023, Odense, Denmark
MANDLER, T., "Consumer animosity: The mitigating effect of perceived brand globalness." in Conférence AMA 2022, Chania, Grèce 29/05-02/06, 2022
MANDLER, T., C. BARBAROSSA, "Not all wrongdoers are equal in the public’s eye. A moderated mediation model of country stereotypes, condemning emotions, and retaliatory intent in corporate crises" in Conférence EMAC (visio), 16-19-septembre, 2020
MANDLER, T., C. HAIDUK, T. SCHREINER, "On the Evolution of Pre-Release Consumer Buzz and New Product Success" in Conférence EMAC (visio), 16-19-septembre, 2020
MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, K. ZEUGNER-ROTH, "Revisiting Brand Origin Misperceptions: A Comprehensive Model with Mediating and Moderating Effects" in Conférence EMAC (visio), 16-19-septembre, 2020
HAIDUK, C., T. MANDLER, "Drivers of Pre-Release Consumer Buzz" in 10th Regional EMAC Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, 25-27/09, 2019
MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, M. GATES, "Change in Mind, Change of Heart: A Cognitive Appraisal Theory Perspective on Brand Origin Misperceptions”" in AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina,, 20-23-mai-19, 2019
BARTSCH, F., T. MANDLER, K. ZEUGNER-ROTH, M. GATES, "Change in Mind, Change of Heart: A Cognitive Appraisal Theory Perspective on Brand Origin Misperceptions”" in Conférence EMAC, St Petersbourg Russie, 24-28 septembre, 2019
BARTSCH, F., T. MANDLER, "Global Brand Localness: A Three Country Investigation" in AMS World Marketing Congress, Porto, Portugal, 16-18/04, 2018
MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, C. M. HAN, "Marketplace Globalization and Shifting Brand Perceptions: The Role of Perceived Brand Globalness and Cultural Symbolism" in Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 26-29/07/, 2018
KLEIN, K., T. MANDLER, "Local Versus International Brands: Different Routes to Success?" in 2017 Summer AMA Conference, San Francisco, 04-07 août, 2017
BARTSCH, F., T. MANDLER, M. KIRCHHOFER, "The Differential Effect of Global Brand Origin: How Domestic-Global Brands Create Value" in 46th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Groningen, 23-26 mai, 2017
MANDLER, T., "Beyond Reach: an Extended Model of Global Brand Effects" in AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Havana, Cuba, 6-8 avril, 2017
MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, V. DAVVETAS, "Hitting the Bull's Eye: Cultural Intelligence and Managers' Accuracy of Psychic Distance Estimations" in AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, Havana, Cuba, 6-8 avril, 2017
MANDLER, T., "Beyond Reach: Disentangling the Global Brand Effect" in 45th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Oslo, 24-27/05, 2016
MANDLER, T., S. WON, K. KIM, "Does Dressing Foreign Really Pay Off? Exploring Consumers' Cognitive and Affective Responses to Brand Origin Misclassification" in 7th Regional Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Sarajevo, 14-16 sept., 2016
MANDLER, T., S. WON, K. KIM, "Does Dressing Foreign Really Pay Off? Consumers’ Cognitive and Affective Responses to Brand Origin Misperception" in 1st EMAC Research Camp, Vienna, 1-2/09, 2016
MANDLER, T., F. BARTSCH, "The Value of Consumer Dispositions as Moderators in Global Branding Research" in Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong, China, 21-24/07, 2016
MANDLER, T., C. BARBAROSSA - "Facebook, Volkswagen, Samsung… Comment les stéréotypes nationaux influent sur le pardon accordé aux entreprises fautives" - 2021, la Tribune
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