Department: Information, Operations and Management Sciences
MANTOVANI, A. - "Habilitation à diriger des Recherches : Essays on Firms’ Strategic Interaction" - 2022, Université de Toulouse I - Capitole
GOMES, R., A. MANTOVANI, "Regulating Platform Fees Under Price Parity", Journal of the European Economic Association, 2024 [fnege: 1, abs: 4]
DE CORNIÈRE, A., A. MANTOVANI, S. SHEKHAR, "Third-Degree Price Discrimination in Two-Sided Markets", Management Science, 2024 [fnege: 1, ft, abs: 4]
MANTOVANI, A., C. A. PIGA, C. REGGIANI, Y. SHEVTSOVA, "Platform-enabled innovation adoption in the tourism sector: A case study on", Tourism Management Perspectives, 2024, vol. 54, no. 101316 [fnege: 4, abs: 2]
CARRONI, E., A. MANTOVANI, A. MINNITI, "Price signaling with salient-thinking consumers", Games and Economic Behavior, 2023, vol. 138, pp. 238-253 [abs: 3]
CALZADA, J., E. MANNA, A. MANTOVANI, "Platform price parity clauses and market segmentation", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2022, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 609-637 [fnege: 2, abs: 2]
LAMBERTINI, L., A. MANTOVANI, C. VERGARI, "Green monopoly and downward leapfrogging", Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 2021, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 93-103 [abs: 1]
MANTOVANI, A., C. A. PIGA, C. REGGIANI, "Online Platform Price Parity Clauses: Evidence from the EU case", European Economic Review, 2021, vol. 131 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
BURANI, N., A. MANTOVANI, "Non-linear pricing and conscious consumption", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2020, vol. 68 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
LOGINOVA, O., A. MANTOVANI, "Price competition in the presence of a web aggregator", Journal of Economics, 2019, vol. 126, no. 1, pp. 43-73 [cnrs: 3, abs: 2]
LLANES, G., A. MANTOVANI, F. RUIZ-ALISEDA, "Entry into Complementary Good Markets with Network Effects", Strategy Science, 2019, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 262-282
MANTOVANI, A., C. REGGIANI, "Global Challenges for the online platform sector regulation or laissez faire? The EU perspective", Torre de los Lujanes, 2019, vol. 73, pp. 147-160
MANTOVANI, A., C. PIGA, C. REGGIANI, "On the Economic Effects of Price Parity Clauses - What Do We Know Three Years Later?", Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 2018, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 650-654
MANTOVANI, A., O. TAROLA, C. VERGARI, "End-of-pipe or cleaner production? How to go green in presence of income inequality and pro-environmental behavior", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, vol. 160, pp. 71-82
MANTOVANI, A., C. VERGARI, "Environmental vs hedonic quality: which policy can help in lowering pollution emissions?", Environment and Development Economics, 2017, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 274-304 [cnrs: 3, abs: 2]
HALMENSCHLAGER, C., A. MANTOVANI, "On the private and social desirability of mixed bundling in complementary markets with cost savings", Information Economics and Policy, 2017, vol. 39, pp. 45-59 [cnrs: 2, abs: 2]
MANTOVANI, A., O. TAROLA, C. VERGARI, "Hedonic and environmental quality: A hybrid model of product differentiation", Resource and Energy Economics, 2016, vol. 45, pp. 99-123 [cnrs: 2, abs: 2]
DARGAUD, E., A. MANTOVANI, C. REGGIANI, "Cartel Punishment and the Distortive Effects of Fines", Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2016, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 375-399 [cnrs: 2]
LAMBERTINI, L., A. MANTOVANI, "On the (in)stability of nonlinear feedback solutions in a dynamic duopoly with renewable resource exploitation", Economics Letters, 2016, vol. 143, pp. 9-12 [cnrs: 3, abs: 3]
MANTOVANI, A., F. RUIZ-ALISEDA, "Equilibrium Innovation Ecosystems: The Dark Side of Collaborating with Complementors", Management Science, 2016, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 534-549 [cnrs: 1, fnege: 1, ft, abs: 4]
MANTOVANI, A., J. VANDEKERCKHOVE, "The Strategic Interplay Between Bundling and Merging in Complementary Markets", Managerial and Decision Economics, 2016, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 19-36 [cnrs: 3, abs: 2]
LAMBERTINI, L., A. MANTOVANI, "Feedback equilibria in a dynamic renewable resource oligopoly: Pre-emption, voracity and exhaustion", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2014, vol. 47, pp. 115-122 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
FEDELE, A., A. MANTOVANI, "Credit Availability in the Crisis: which Role for Public Financial Institutions?", Annals of Economics and Finance, 2014, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 161-183
MANTOVANI, A., "The Strategic Effect of Bundling: A New Perspective", Review of Industrial Organization, 2013, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 25-43 [cnrs: 2, abs: 2]
MANTOVANI, A., A. NAGHAVI, "PARALLEL IMPORTS AND INNOVATION IN AN EMERGING ECONOMY: THE CASE OF INDIAN PHARMACEUTICALS", Health Economics, 2012, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1286-1299 [cnrs: 1, fnege: 1, abs: 2]
BACCHIEGA, E., L. LAMBERTINI, A. MANTOVANI, "PROCESS AND PRODUCT INNOVATION IN A VERTICALLY DIFFERENTIATED INDUSTRY", International Game Theory Review, 2011, vol. 13, no. 02, pp. 209-221 [cnrs: 3]
BACCHIEGA, E., L. LAMBERTINI, A. MANTOVANI, "R&D-Hindering Collusion", The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2010, vol. 10, no. 1
BACCHIEGA, E., L. LAMBERTINI, A. MANTOVANI, "On MQS regulation, innovation and market coverage", Economics Letters, 2010, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 26-27 [cnrs: 3, abs: 3]
LAMBERTINI, L., A. MANTOVANI, "Process and product innovation: A differential game approach to product life cycle", International Journal of Economic Theory, 2010, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 227-252 [cnrs: 3]
LAMBERTINI, L., A. MANTOVANI, "Process and product innovation by a multiproduct monopolist: A dynamic approach", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2009, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 508-518 [cnrs: 1, abs: 4]
CELLINI, R., L. LAMBERTINI, A. MANTOVANI, "Persuasive advertising under Bertrand competition: A differential game", Operations Research Letters, 2008, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 381-384 [cnrs: 2]
FEDELE, A., A. MANTOVANI, "Complementarity, Coordination and Credit", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2006, vol. 164, no. 2, pp. 230-252
LAMBERTINI, L., A. MANTOVANI, "Identifying reaction functions in differential oligopoly games", Mathematical Social Sciences, 2006, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 252-271
MANTOVANI, A., "Complementarity between product and process innovation in a monopoly setting", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2006, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 219-234
MANTOVANI, A., G. MION, "Advertising and endogenous exit in a differentiated duopoly", Recherches Économiques de Louvain / Louvain Economic Review, 2006, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 19
BIGLAISER, G., J. CREMER, A. MANTOVANI, "The Economics of the Cloud" in TSE Working Paper, juin, 2024, Bruxelles
MANTOVANI, A., "Data Sharing or Analytics Sharing" in 51st conference of EARIE, septembre, 2024, Amsterdam
MADIO, C. CANTA, A. MANTOVANI, C. REGGIANI, "Welfare implications of health care platforms" in Journées L.A. Gerard Varet in public economics, juin, 2023, Marseille
BURANI, N., A. MANTOVANI, "Does a green network effect lower pollution emissions?" in 50th EARIE Conference, August, 2023, Rome, Italy
DE CORNIÈRE, A., S. SHEKHAR, A. MANTOVANI, "Third-degree price discrimination in two-sided markets" in 14th Paris Conference on Digital Economics, 2023, Paris, France
DE CORNIÈRE, A., S. SHEKHAR, A. MANTOVANI, "Third-degree price discrimination in two-sided markets" in The 21st Annual IIOC, 2023, Washington, United States of America
DE CORNIÈRE, A., S. SHEKHAR, A. MANTOVANI, "Third-degree price discrimination in two-sided markets" in Fifth Economics of Platforms Workshop, 2023, Capri, Italy
DE CORNIÈRE, A., S. SHEKHAR, A. MANTOVANI, "Third-degree price discrimination in two-sided markets" in 11th Oligo Workshop, 2023, Padova, Italy
CANTA, C., L. MADIO, A. MANTOVANI, C. REGGIANI, "Welfare implications of health care platforms" in 1st CEPR Health Economic Conference, 2023, Toulouse, France
DE CORNIÈRE, A., A. MANTOVANI, S. SHEKHAR, "Third-degree price discrimination in two-sided markets" in 17th International CRESSE, 2023, Rhodes, Greece
CANTA, C., L. MADIO, A. MANTOVANI, C. REGGIANI, "Welfare implications of health care platforms" in EARIE, 2023, Rome, Italy
DE CORNIÈRE, A., A. MANTOVANI, S. SHEKHAR, "Third-degree price discrimination in two-sided markets." in Conference CIST, 2023, Phoenix, United States of America
MANTOVANI, A., "Data sharing or algorithm sharing? " in 6th UNIBG INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION WINTER SYMPOSIUM, 2023, Brescia, Italy
GOMEZ, R., A. MANTOVANI, "Regulating Platform Fees under Price Parity" in XII NERI Workshop - Competition and Regulation of Digital Markets, Gênes, ITALIE, 2022
DE CORNIÈRE, A., S. SHEKHAR, A. MANTOVANI, "Third-degree price discrimination in two-sided markets" in XXXVI Jornadas de Economía Industrial, 2022, Gran Canaria, Spain
DE CORNIÈRE, A., S. SHEKHAR, A. MANTOVANI, "Third-degree price discrimination in two-sided markets" in ASSET Annual Meeting, 2022, Rethymno, Greece
GOMEZ, R., A. MANTOVANI, "Regulating Platform Fees under Price Parity" in 19th Annual Intern. Industrial Organization Conf. (visio), 30 mai-02 juin, 2021
MANTOVANI, A., C. BINDER, "Managing Innovation in an Unstable World: Challenges of Global Competition for European Innovative and Proactive Firms" in ENTRENOVA Conference (Centre for Advanced Academic Studies, Dubrovnik, September 7-9, 2017
MANTOVANI, A., "The impact of ASEAN – China Free Trade Agreement on European Economy" in Local versus Global (National University of Political Sciences and Public Administration, Bucharest, October 29-31, 2015
MANTOVANI, A., "Industrial Policy in the European Union: an Overview" in Jubilee10th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists: The Economy of Bulgaria and European Union – Contemporary Challenges and Solution Approaches (UNWE), Sofia, November 13, 2014
MANTOVANI, A., L. LAMBERTINI, "Collusion Helps Abate Environmental Pollution: A Dynamic Approach," in 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2014
MANTOVANI, A., L. MARATTIN, Economia dell'integrazione europea, Il Mulino, 2008
MANTOVANI, A., C. REGGIANI, "Tassazione e regolamentazione delle grandi piattaforme digitali" in Economia internazionale e politica economica., Contributi in ricordo di Gianpaolo Rossini, edited by F. Delbono, G. Ecchia, and L. Lambertini Eds, Il Mulino, chap. 2, pp. 27-43, 2024
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