Department: Human Resources Management & Business Law
Assistant Professor
PERRIER, A., A. EL AKREMI, C. MANVILLE, M. MOLINES, "“It's all about trust!” a multilevel model of the effect of servant leadership on firefighters' group task performance, adaptivity and emotional exhaustion", Public Administration Review, 2024 [fnege: 1, abs: 4]
PERRIER, A., M. MOLINES, M. STORME, A. EL AKREMI, "(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction? The effect of servant leadership on firefighters’ global satisfaction – a social identity approach", Public Management Review , 2024, pp. 1-28 [fnege: 3, abs: 4]
MOLINES, M., A. PERRIER, "Managing My Shame: Investigating the Effects of Organizational Identity Threat and Public Service Motivation on Exemplification", Public Administration Review, 2023 [fnege: 1, abs: 4]
MOLINES, M., M. MIFSUD, A. EL AKREMI, A. PERRIER, "Motivated to Serve: A Regulatory Perspective on Public Service Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior", Public Administration Review, 2022, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 102-116 [cnrs: 1, fnege: 1, abs: 4]
PERRIER, A., M. MOLINES, A. EL AKREMI, "(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction? The effect of servant leadership on firefighters’ global satisfaction – A social identity approach" in Conférences ASAC / AIMS, 01/05/2024, Montréal, 2024
EL AKREMI, A., J.-P. GOND, A. PERRIER, S. BOUJENDAR, "How and When Does Corporate Social Responsibility Encourage Employees’ Socially Responsible Behavior Outside of Work?" in Conférence AIMS, 03/05/2024, Montréal, 2024
KLARSFELD, A., A. PERRIER, "Proud of being in the Police: How Perceived Organizational Reputation leads to Public Sector Engagement?" in PMRC (Public Management Research Conference) 2024 Seattle, USA 26-29/06/2024, 2024
KLARSFELD, A., A. PERRIER, "Proud of being in the Police: How Perceived Organizational Reputation leads to Public Sector Engagement?" in PMRC (Public Management Research Conference), 26-29/06/2024, Seattle, USA, 2024
PERRIER, A., "“Invisible Scars”: Investigating the long-term effect of citizen incivilities on firefighters’ engagement" in 35ème congrès de l'AGRH, octobre, 2024, Barcelone
MOLINES, M., A. PERRIER, "Managing my shame: Investigating the effects of organizational identity threat and public service motivation on exemplification" in Boston, 2023, Boston
PERRIER, A., A. EL AKREMI, C. MANVILLE, M. MOLINES, "It's all about trust". The effect of servant leadership on firefighters' performance and health: A multilevel and multisource study" in AOM,August, 2023, Boston, United States of America
PERRIER, A., A. EL AKREMI, C. MANVILLE, M. MOLINES, "It's all about trust". The effect of servant leadership on firefighters' performance and health: A multilevel and multisource study", ASAC, 2023, Toronto, Canada
PERRIER, A., "(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction? The effect of servant leadership on firefighters’ global satisfaction – A social identity approach" in Conférence AGRH, 2023, Ajaccio, France
PERRIER, A., "L’effet de l’agressivité externe sur les comportements des sapeurs-pompiers : Le rôle modérateur du leadership serviteur" in 32nd AGRH Congress, Paris, 13-15, October, 2021
MOLINES, M., M. MIFSUD, A. PERRIER, "Motivated for serving: The impact of self-regulatory Focus on self-sacrifice and engagement" in 80th Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, August 7-11, 2020
PERRIER, A., A. EL AKREMI, M. MOLINES, "Servant leadership, Health and Emotional Exhaustion among Firefighters: The mediating role of safety climate" in Annual Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, June 12-15, 2020
PERRIER, A., M. MOLINES, A. EL AKREMI, C. MANVILLE, "Opening the black box of servant leadership. The effects of servant leadership on firefighters’ performance and health" in Annual Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, St Catharines, Canada, May 24-27, 2020
PERRIER, A., "Les effets du leadership serviteur sur la performance et la santé des pompiers : Un modèle à double-voie de médiation" in 29ème congrès de l’Association Française de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Lyon, France, October 29-31, 2018
PERRIER, A., "Opening the black box of servant leadership: Effects of servant leadership on performance and health in the fire station: A matter of trust" in 8th European Academy of Management congress, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19-22, 2018
PERRIER, A., "Ouvrir la boîte noire du leadership serviteur : Les effets du leadership serviteur sur la performance et la santé des pompiers : le rôle médiateur du capital psychologique" in 28th AGRH Congress Doctoral workshop, Aix-en-Provence, October 11-13, 2018
PERRIER, A., C. EDEY GAMASSOU, "Evangelia Demerouti : Une redefinition de l’étude du bien-être au travail" in Les Grands Auteurs en Gestion des Ressources Humaines., Françoise Chevalier, Clotilde Coron, Hugo Gaillard et Ewan Oiry Eds, Editions EMS, chap. XX, 2024
KLARSFELD, A., A. PERRIER - "Réforme du marché du travail : "Les fonctionnaires sont en demande d'une visibilité accrue sur l'avenir"." - 2024, Le Monde
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The present study investigates how public employees make sense of and react to threatening events that may call into question organization's core attributes and status.