Department: Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Assistant Professor
TEISSANDIER, M. - "Internationalization of small firms : influence of institutional logics and firms' responses to institutional complexity : case of subcontracting SMEs in the space industry in France" - 2019, Toulouse
TEISSANDIER, M., H. CHEBBI, M. BEN SELMA, "Quelle microfondation pour dépasser le “knowledge stickiness” et stimuler l’innovation ? L'expérience des PME sous-traitantes en France et au Québec" in AIMS, juin, 2024, Montréal, Canada
TEISSANDIER, M., M. BOUTARY, "Social construction of power dynamics in the emergence of a bipolar GVC governance." in AIB, 2023, Warsaw, Poland
TEISSANDIER, M., "International opportunity construction in times of institutional arrangements: the role of entrepreneurs and their networks in shaping sustainable in-orbit management" in 49th Annual Conference of European International Business Academy, 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal
TEISSANDIER, M., "International opportunity construction in times of institutional arrangements: the role of entrepreneurs and their networks in shaping sustainable in-orbit management" in Conférence EIBA 2023, 16/12/2023, Lisbonne, 2023
TEISSANDIER, M., "Environmental upgrading and a bipolar GVC governance. The case of the satellite industry." in EIBA, December, 2022, Oslo, Norway
TEISSANDIER, M., "Relating nonlinearity of internationalisation process to knowledge acquisition and to development of own products. Case of established SMEs with constraining subcontracting relations" in 47th Annual European International Business Academy”, Madrid, 10-12 Décembre, 2021
TEISSANDIER, M., "Role of innovation ecosystems in the relationship between circular economy and sustainability. Case of the satellite industry in Europe" in dans 47th Annual European International Business Academy”, Madrid, 10-12 Décembre, 2021
TEISSANDIER, M., M. BOUTARY, "Internationalization of subcontracting SMEs: how do they learn? The case of space industry in France" in 22st McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference , Stockholm Suède, 22/08/18, 2018
TEISSANDIER, M., "At the crossroads of dominant designs: incumbents’ strategic responses to innovation shock in the space industry" in iBegin Conference – Philadelphia, USA, October 2018, 2018
TEISSANDIER, M., "“Innovation and Industry structure: What drives what? Conceptualization of co-evolutive model" in SMS Special Conference - Global Strategy Journal Paper Development Workshop – Oslo, Norway June, 2018
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