Department: Human Resources Management & Business Law
Associate Professor
TILLOU, C. - "Le départ volontaire des consultants 30/35 ans :point de rupture dans la carrière ?" - 2012
TILLOU, C. - "Thèse : "De l'expérience à la performance en entreprise : le rôle de la gestion stratégique des ressources humaines - Application au secteur Conseil en Management"" - 2010
TILLOU, C., J. WINTERTON - "Création de modules de formation haut consulting pour les seniors" - 2006
TILLOU, C., A. AL ARISS, "To Stay or to Leave? The Views of Managers and Consultants in Management Consulting Sector»", Management International, 2022, vol. 26, pp. 9-26 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2]
CANBOY, B., C. TILLOU, C. BARZANTNY, B. GÜÇLÜ, F. BENICHOUX, "The impact of perceived organizational support on work meaningfulness, engagement, and perceived stress in France", European Management Journal, 2021 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3, abs: 2]
TILLOU, C., "Analyse des rôles des professionnels de GRH face à l’enjeu de la fidélisation des consultants", Management & Avenir, 2018, vol. 103, no. 5, pp. 91-112 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 3]
TILLOU, C., A. K. BEN AYED, A. EL AKREMI, C. VANDENBERGHE, "Le Mentorat envers les Consultants Salariés du Secteur du Conseil en Management: Levier de Fidélisation ou Source d'Opportunités Externes?", Management International, October 2015, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 67-77 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2]
TILLOU, C., J. IGALENS, "Pourquoi les consultants français veulent-ils quitter leurs employeurs?", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, April 2012, no. 84, pp. 22-43 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3]
TILLOU, C., S. LIARTE, "L'impact de l’expérience sur la performance du groupe. Le cas de l’équipe nationale de football du Brésil de 1954 à 2010", Management International, March 2012, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 113-128 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 3]
CACHAT-ROSSET, G., C. TILLOU, A. KLARSFELD, K. CARILLO, T. SABA, J. MARSAN, "Engagement en contexte de télétravail : quels sont les facteurs-clés ?" in AGRH, 2022, Brest, France
CANBOY, B., C. TILLOU, C. BARZANTNY, B. GÜÇLÜ, F. BENICHOUX, "The impact of Perceived Organisational Support on Meaningfulness, Engagement and Stress: an Empirical Study in France" in EURAM - European Academy of Management Conference juin, 2020
CANBOY, B., C. TILLOU, C. BARZANTNY, B. GÜÇLÜ, F. BENICHOUX, "Exploring possible Relationships of work Meaningfulness and Perceived Organizational Support with Work Engagement: The Moderation Effects of POS in an Empirical Study in France" in European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Turin (Italy), Mai, 2019
IGALENS, J., C. TILLOU, "Pourquoi les consultants français quittent-ils leurs employeurs?" in XXIIème congrès de l'AGRH, 2011, Marrakech, Morocco
TILLOU, C., "Les professionnels RH dans les cabinets de conseil: une analyse des rôles face à l'enjeu de la fidélisation" in XXIème congrès de l'AGRH, 2010, Rennes-Saint Malo, France
TILLOU, C., A. EL AKREMI, "Retaining talented consultants: an exploration of the HR business partner contribution" in Academy of Management, 2010, Montréal, Canada
TILLOU, C., "Knowledge workers et turnover: analyse de l'impact des pratiques de GRH sur la performance individuelle. Application au secteur Conseil en Management en France" in Conférence CICOM, 2009, Agadir, Morocco
TILLOU, C., S. LIARTE, "Accumulation or diversity? Bridging individual experience factors and performance" in 9th International conference on Human resource development research and practice accross Europe, no. ref 1.36, 2008, Lille, France
TILLOU, C., "Consult in Europe project: competences analysis and conception of training programme for future seniors integration in consulting market" in 8th International Conference in HRD Research and Practice, 2007, Oxford, Great Britain
BARZANTNY, C., B. CANBOY, C. TILLOU, F. LE DEIST, "Rapport d'activité : Research collaboration Better Human Cie", 2019
BARZANTNY, C., B. CANBOY, C. TILLOU, F. LE DEIST, "Rapport d'activité : Research collaboration Better Human Cie", 2018
BARZANTNY, C., B. CANBOY, C. TILLOU, F. LE DEIST, "Rapport d'activité : Research collaboration Better Human Cie", 2017
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